

Posts by category


  • Dr. Pescatore’s Metabolic Repair Protocol


  • Lesson 18: Time to get started!
  • Lesson 17: Nutritional Supplement Superstars for optimal metabolic function, pt 3
  • Lesson 16: Nutritional Supplement Superstars for optimal metabolic function, pt 2
  • Lesson 15: Nutritional Supplement Superstars for optimal metabolic function, pt 1
  • Lesson 14: Put your plan into action: Detox (just 14 days is all you need!)
  • Lesson 13: Put your plan into action: Eating, sleeping, and exercise (or not!)
  • Lesson 12: Put your plan into action: Cut that sugar addiction in just 72 hours!
  • Lesson 11: Put your plan into action: What numbers you need to know
  • Lesson 10: Type 2 diabetes? prediabetes? Or metabolic syndrome?
  • Lesson 9: Your Metabolic Repair Plan - goals and expectations
  • Lesson 8: 8 Major contributing risk factors – gut & inflammation
  • Lesson 7: 8 Major contributing risk factors – fatty liver & nutrient deficiencies
  • Lesson 6: 8 Major contributing risk factors – toxins & sleep
  • Lesson 5: 8 Major contributing risk factors – food & sweeteners
  • Lesson 4: Leading causes of metabolic dysfunction & type 2 diabetes
  • Lesson 3: Dangers and side effects of prescription drugs & outdated dietary advice
  • Lesson 2: What you need to know about the type 2 diabetes epidemic
  • Lesson 1: Intro to type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, metabolic syndrome & metabolic repair


  • Quiz for Lesson 17: Nutritional Supplement Superstars for optimal metabolic function, pt 3
  • Quiz for Lesson 16: Nutritional Supplement Superstars for optimal metabolic function, pt 2
  • Quiz for Lesson 15: Nutritional Supplement Superstars for optimal metabolic function, pt 1
  • Quiz for Lesson 14: Put your plan into action: Detox (just 14 days is all you need!)
  • Quiz for Lesson 13: Put your plan into action: Eating, sleeping, and exercise (or not!)
  • Quiz for Lesson 12: Put your plan into action: Cut that sugar addiction in just 72 hours!
  • Quiz for Lesson 11: Put your plan into action: What numbers you need to know
  • Quiz for Lesson 10: Type 2 diabetes? prediabetes? Or metabolic syndrome?
  • Quiz for Lesson 9: Your Metabolic Repair Plan - goals and expectations
  • Quiz for Lesson 8: 8 Major contributing risk factors – gut & inflammation
  • Quiz for Lesson 7: 8 Major contributing risk factors – fatty liver & nutrient deficiencies
  • Quiz for Lesson 6: 8 Major contributing risk factors – toxins & sleep
  • Quiz for Lesson 5: 8 Major contributing risk factors – food & sweeteners
  • Quiz for Lesson 4: Leading causes of metabolic dysfunction & type 2 diabetes
  • Quiz for Lesson 3: Dangers and side effects of prescription drugs & outdated dietary advice
  • Quiz for Lesson 2: What you need to know about the type 2 diabetes epidemic
  • Quiz for Lesson 1: Intro to type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, metabolic syndrome & metabolic repair

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Feed Items

  • Improve Mental Performance With Ice Cream?
  • How A Minor Injury Could Land You In An Early Grave
  • Light Therapy Could Boost Testosterone
  • UK Government Is Not Backtracking On The Sugar Tax
  • No, Beards Aren’t As Dirty As Toilets
  • Should You Be Taking Your Statin Drug?
  • 5 Ways Oregano Oil Can Help Support Your Health
  • Living With Multiple Sclerosis Made Easier
  • Air Pollution Could Be A Greater Health-Risk Than Ebola And HIV
  • Quorn: The Lowdown On Celebrity-Endorsed ‘Fake Meat’
  • Is Being A True Doctor A Slow Dying ‘Art’?
  • How Indoor Air Pollution Can Affect Your Health
  • The Link Between Alzheimer’s Disease And Sugar
  • Watercress Beats Kale As A Powerhouse Superfood
  • Beware Of Lathering Yourself With ‘Poison’ This Summer
  • Could Air Pollution Be The Real Culprit Behind Heart Disease?
  • Magnesium Could Help Lower Blood Pressure
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  • Food Allergy Or Additive Allergy?
  • £45 For A Bottle Of Fake Honey…
  • “I cannot take statins the pain is too much to bear”
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  • Monsanto Forced To Label Roundup With Cancer Warning
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  • 7 Foods That Can Help Alleviate PMS Symptoms
  • Protect Your Memory And Brain Function With Chicory?
  • Fight SAD Symptoms At A Bar?
  • Swine Flu Vaccine Narcolepsy Sufferer Wrapped In Legal Battle
  • Antidepressants Linked To Bone Fractures
  • Exercise Your Way To Better Hearing
  • Driving Under The Influence… Of Caffeine?!
  • Marriage Could Reduce Your Risk Of Falls And Fractures
  • Roundup Linked To Fatty Liver Disease
  • The Crumbling NHS: Take Matters In Your Own Hands
  • Could This Simple Trick Help End Your Diet Woes?
  • Proton Pump Inhibitors Could Triple Your Risk Of A Stomach Bug
  • Add Some Coffee And Red Wine To Your Diet In 2017
  • Keeping Your Memory Sharp With The Mediterranean Diet
  • Iron Supplements May Increase Your Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes
  • A Daily Multivitamin Could Help Keep Cancer At Bay
  • Start The New Year With A Happier And Healthier You
  • Spice Up Your Arthritis Relief
  • Bone-Building Combo Helps To Cut Body Fat Too
  • The Landmark Cancer Study You Probably Don’t Know About
  • Stop Press: Statins ‘Cure’ Alzheimer’s
  • The Link Between Your Grande Americano And Cancer
  • Why Aspirin Therapy Could Be A Risk To Your Health
  • Is Gluten Sensitivity The Reason Why You Feel Sick?
  • Drink Prosecco And Champagne For Better Heart Health?
  • Isolation Linked To Alzheimer’s Risk



  • Dr. Brian Mowll, DC
  • Jules Soer
  • Dr. Patrick Kingsley
  • Professor Ben Pfeifer, MD
  • Dr Tony Coope M.B; Ch.B; D.Obst. R.C.O.G.

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