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The Daily Health – Free Natural Health E-letter!

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the FREE e-letter service that unearths

natural cures the medical establishment

doesn’t want you to have…


In just 5 minutes every day you can have instant access to safe, natural ways to REPAIR heart disease and lower blood pressure… PREVENT cancer and EASE the pain of arthritis… and PROTECT yourself from Alzheimer’s – all WITHOUT the need for prescription drugs or surgery, so you can add healthy, vibrant, quality years to your life!

Sign-up now for The Daily Health – our FREE e-letter delivered daily to your inbox – and in return we’ll make you SIX promises:

  1. You’ll receive urgent news on little-known, breakthrough treatments that are achieving remarkable results for anything from cancer to cataracts
  2. Privileged FREE access to research reports published by Agora Health (delivered as PDFs)
  3. You’ll be the first to know about cutting edge, natural cures – weeks, months, even years before they make national headlines
  4. Honest and independent reviews on the very latest health products
  5. We will NEVER take funding from drugs companies or the government – unlike other patient organisations – so you can be sure that we will give you a completely unbiased analysis.
  6. We will value your privacy. We will NEVER share your email address with anyone else. End of story!

Just by signing up to receive the Daily Health eletter and showing your support for our work, you are also helping us to keep this service free for the tens of thousands of people who turn to us for help each year.

“I enjoy your  newsletter. It is so far advanced of other publications in the same field. I’m now having to tell my health shop what to order as they haven’t heard of the latest alternative and natural  cures. Keep up the good work by informing the public on how to live with good health.” -J. Hughes, Stockport

Forbidden cures the medical establishment

won’t let you have

Real natural cures exist right now for diabetes, cancer, heart disease, depression, osteoporosis and many other chronic diseases. And the even better news is that many of them are available free of charge.

So why aren’t you hearing about them?

Well, whether you like (or even believe) it or not, our healthcare system is controlled by a vast multi-billion pound drugs industry which will go to extraordinary lengths to protect its vested interests.

Their system of medicine thrives on sick people – the more sick people there are, the more money they make – so they’re not really bothered whether you get well as long as you continue taking their drugs.

But mention the word “cure” or “natural treatment” in the same breath as a major chronic illness like cancer, diabetes, heart disease or arthritis, then you’d better watch out. The “health police” will come down on you like a ton of bricks, haul you up in front of the judiciary and put you out of business.

But they can’t silence 120,000 of us! That’s how many people currently receive the Daily Health across our worldwide community… all health conscious individuals just like you.

Think of us as extra medical insurance that’s FREE . . .

Many of our readers write and tell us how they have been able to turn around a chronic illness thanks to our experts’ advice. Many more have been able to help others – a friend or family member – overcome a health problem all thanks to their membership to the Daily Health.

But, even if you’re not ill, our aim is to ensure you stay that way. By subscribing you’ll find the most powerful “trade secrets” that will prevent illness ever taking hold.

Here’s just a few of the stories we’ve reported recently:

  • A blood test you can get that will tell instantly whether you’re at risk of heart disease – but it’s NOT a test for cholesterol.
  • How Indole-3-Carbinol can help prevent cancer cells from spreading by as much as 90% – but your doctor is FORBIDDEN to tell you about it.
  • Our panel of experts experts are prescribing this “miracle” herb for their prostate patients now – but you won’t be prescribed this on the NHS.
  • The most effective protection against Type 2 Diabetes ever? This breakthrough could help regulate your blood sugar levels, reduce your weight and lower your cholesterol levels – so why didn’t this make national headlines?
  • A natural moss extract that’s proving far more effective than many drugs in protecting against Alzheimer’s but hardly anyone knows about it.
  • The remarkable nutrient that leading cardiologist believes everybody on the planet should be taking – but you’ve got a long wait if you think your GP will prescribe this.

Plus much much more…

I do hope you will give us the opportunity to demonstrate the value of our service for you and your family by signing up to the Daily Health today! It’s only through the support of forward thinking people like you that we are able to help thousands of people each year.

Wishing you the best of health,

Francois Lubbe

Managing Editor
The Daily Health

P.S. Remember! You can help us continue the work we do just by signing up for this FREE service.

Since the Daily Health is a completely free email, we necessarily fund it with occasional – and carefully selected – advertising and offers. These opportunities are ones we believe you will find interesting. However we will never give your email address to any other companies.