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Roundup Linked To Fatty Liver Disease


It’s been linked to an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease, hormonal disruption, antibiotic resistance and cancer. I’m talking about Britain’s most popular pesticide, Roundup — produced by the global biotech company Monsanto.

The main ingredient in Roundup is glyphosate and apart from being the most commonly used weed killer on British farms this pesticide is also very popular among gardening enthusiasts and is a mainstay of genetically modified (GM) farming, particularly in America.

GM crops like soy and corn have been modified in the laboratory by companies like Monsanto to make them resistant to Roundup. This means that GM crops can be doused with Roundup, which kills off any weeds but allows the GM food plants to survive.

Know what you’re eating

And yes, you’ve guessed it, studies have shown that low levels of Roundup residue end up in the human diet ranging from breakfast cereals to corn snacks and biscuits.

In fact, not so long ago we reported on the fact that one of our favourite brands of oats, Quaker Oats (owned by PepsiCo), has been sued because glyphosate was found in their product. (This also means that the claim from the company that its product is “natural” is also false.)

Now a new peer-reviewed study, conducted at King’s College London, found a worrying link between low level exposure to Roundup and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) — a disease usually found among patients who are overweight or obese.

Commenting on the results, lead researcher Dr Michael Antoniou said: “These results demonstrate that long-term consumption of an ultra-low, environmentally relevant dose of Roundup at a glyphosate daily intake level of only 4 nanograms per kilogram of body weight per day, which is 75,000 times below EU and 437,500 below US permitted levels, results in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.”

He added that the findings raise serious concerns about the weed killer for human health and he called on regulators to re-think both the use of Roundup on farms and the risk to humans caused by residues in food.

As expected, the Crop Protection Association (CPA), which lobbies on behalf of Monsanto and other chemical companies, questioned the validity of the King’s study. The CPA said: “Glyphosate is amongst the most thoroughly tested herbicides on the market, and those studies by expert regulators have consistently concluded that glyphosate does not pose a risk to public health.”

Of course, the CPA failed to mention the fact glyphosate has recently been reclassified as a “probable carcinogen” by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a division of the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Researcher Dr. Anthony Samsel also recently revealed that internal Monsanto documents show that the company already knew, over 30 years ago, that glyphosate caused cancer in rats.

The fact that this most recent research has been peer reviewed and published in the journal Scientific Reports means the methods used in the study have been scrutinised and verified by experts… and considering what we already know about Roundup, these latest findings should not be taken lightly no matter what the CPA or Monsanto says.

After all, if one of the world’s top-selling pesticides proves to be a human health hazard, can you imagine how much money will go down the drain for Monsanto?

Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


Britain’s most used pesticide is linked to a serious liver disease which can be fatal, shocking new study claims, published online 09.01.2017, dailymail.co.uk

Warning: Your Oatmeal Might Be Killing you. It contains High Levels of Pesticides, published online, 06.06.16, livingtraditionally.com

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