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Pesticides: Big Pharma Stoops To A New Low


Pesticides seem to be the new ‘disease mongering tool’ for Big Pharma… and the victims are not our insects – bees in particular – but also humans. Killing off our insect population affects the ecology in the long run and effectively changes the way Mother Nature was designed to function.

The truth is, some of the ‘diseases’ and ailments plaguing the world today, are pure Big Pharma inventions… created to help them sell their drugs for maximum profits.

For example, here’s how we’ve been set-up with the great cholesterol con:

First, Big Pharma and their cronies convinced the entire world that cholesterol is villain number one. Even though it’s a naturally-occurring substance that helps your body produce important hormones, bile salts that help you digest fats, and vitamin D, we’ve been made to believe that it’s a potentially life threatening substance.

Then, just as we’re all hooked on the idea that we must lower our cholesterol to ridiculously low levels, Big Pharma presents the solution – cholesterol-lowering statin drugs. Since these con men already created a market for their snake poison, it takes virtually no time for their drugs to become global blockbusters and they’re laughing all the way to the bank.


The plot thickens

Disease mongering is a very clever plan, don’t you think?

Of course, here at The Daily Health we’ve been seeing straight through the crafty tactics employed by Big Pharma over the years. Fortunately, we can warn people and help them make informed choices about their health. Sadly, some creatures are beyond our reach…

I’m talking here about bees. The massive bee die-off across Europe is no secret. In fact, it’s been all over the news in recent months. The culprit behind the shrinking bee population is a poisonous class of pesticides called neonicotinoids, which are potent neurotoxins, especially for insects.

It comes as no surprise that the manufacturer of neonicotinoid pesticides is none other than… you guessed it… one of Big Pharma’s global main players, Bayer. In fact, Bayer’s pesticides Clothianidin and Imidacloprid, both neonicotinoid pesticides, have clearly been linked to bee die-offs in Germany, France and North Dakota, in the US.

North Dakota farmers took Bayer to court for the loss of their bees in 1995 as a result of spraying rapeseed crops with pesticides like Imidacloprid. In 1999, the same product was banned in France when they lost one-third of their bee population after widespread spraying. In 2004, it was banned for use on corn. Recently, France refused to approve Bayer’s request to sell Clothianidin.

Of course, in typical Big Pharma style, Bayer says that the use of neonicotinoid pesticides is safe for bees, when used according to instructions… and with that, they wash their hands. And just to make sure that no fingers are pointing in their direction, they apply some good old-fashioned disease mongering.

According to Bayer, the real reason behind the apocalyptic decline in the bee population is not the poison they’ve been spraying on crops and into the atmosphere for the past 20 years. No, it’s a mysterious condition called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD).

CCD is obviously a dreamed-up disorder that only serves to mislead the public into believing that there’s a new mystery disease, probably something very complex, that needs tons of money to be thrown at it so that every possible angle can be studied.

These snake oil salesmen are making obscene profits by selling neurotoxic poisons that destroy the earth and our bees, while trying to make us believe their lies so that they can continue to sell their contaminants for as long as possible. Along with that, we’re also being told that we must prepare to live in a world without bees, as if it’s unavoidable. All because of Colony Collapse Disorder, a non- existent ‘disease’…

It sounds all too familiar… Then again, there’s probably no irony in the fact that a major pharmaceutical manufacturer like Bayer, also makes a product that is a poison by design. Pharmaceutical drugs. Pesticides. It seems to be all the same to these guys.

Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


Colony Collapse Disorder Is a Fraud: Pesticides Cause Bee Die-Offs, published online healthimpactnews.com

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