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Statin Drugs: What Our Readers Think About Their “Benefits”


Last week, we told you about the latest statin drugs study that claims the benefits of statin drugs are “underestimated and the harms exaggerated”.

For those of you who missed this previous article, here’s a quick recap:

According to the results of this latest study, the researchers concluded that if more people were to take statin drugs 1,000 “major cardiovascular events” such as heart attacks, strokes and coronary artery bypasses would be prevented in people who have existing vascular disease… and 500 more in people who are at risk due to age or other illnesses such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

The study, published in The Lancet, was led by Professor Rory Collins from the Clinical Trial Service Unit at the University of Oxford, and not surprisingly many of our readers had their own views on the findings of this study…

And it’s not very supportive of what Professor Collins and his cronies would like us to believe.

“I continued to advocate for the removal of statins”

Here are two comments (of the hundreds we’ve received) that highlights the detrimental effects of statin drugs.

“As a nurse I have been wary of statin drugs for the past decade. I saw a distinct association between patients on statins and the development of [motor neurone disease] MND. In fact I started checking all drug charts of those who showed any signs of neuromuscular degeneration, and the results were staggering! There was an extremely high correlation.

Then a dear friend of mine, a medical doctor, was diagnosed with suspected MND. I asked him if he was taking statins, and he was – Zocor.

In fact, because some of the side effects of statins can be similar to the early symptoms of MND, we were hoping that ceasing statin medication would improve the symptoms. However, it was too late. He died a year later.

I continued to advocate for the removal of statin drugs, but didn’t have a chance against the powers that be. And people are continuing to die because these drugs are still being prescribed as the first line of treatment for high cholesterol – even though that is now being shown to be a faulty line of reasoning.

Believe me, I will NEVER take those wretched drugs!!” – Anne (comment left on The Cholesterol Truth)

“I was put on 80mg of the statin drug simvastatin. I developed extreme muscle pain in shoulders and arms. A blood test revealed that my muscles were wasting away and that I had sediment from the wastage in my blood.

A rheumatologist told me this was caused by statins and told me never to take them again. I have been off of them 8 months and all pain has gone.

My husband had shoulder pain for 4 years and regularly had cortizone injections. He stopped the statins and within 6 weeks all pain had gone.

These drugs are harmful and only the Big Pharma companies are benefiting.” – Yvonne (via email)

I’ll say it again, statin drugs will sooner or later prove to potentially be one of the biggest medical scandals in the history of modern medicine… Mark my words.

Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


Statins benefits underestimated, review says, published online 08.09.16, bbc.co.uk

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