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Prediabetes: The Looming Danger No One Is Talking About


You might suffer with a deadly condition without even knowing it. A condition that could trigger a heart attack or stroke, and will likely shorten your life. I’m talking about prediabetes.

You may notice that something is not quite right with your health. You might feel fatigued and have the urge to sleep after a meal (even if it was a small meal). You struggle to lose weight and have digestive issues — like lactose intolerance or feeling bloated after meals. You may also have an unquenchable thirst, frequently urinate and struggle with blurred vision.

Well, believe it or not, these are all tell-tale signs that you might have prediabetes, which means that you have elevated blood sugar levels, but not high enough to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

Silent but deadly

To be honest, the name prediabetes is a bit misleading — it makes it sound like this condition is not too serious. However, make no mistake, it should not be ignored. Pre-diabetics are 50 per cent more likely to have heart disease or stroke, and many of them develop full-blown type 2 diabetes within three to five years.

According to recent research on both sides of the pond, one-third of UK and American adults are pre-diabetic — and only about 10 per cent of them know about it.

So if you recognise the symptoms I mentioned earlier, here’s what you can do to step out of the danger zone.

Your first port of call is to get a blood sugar test, which is the only way to know for sure if you have prediabetes. The good news is that if you do get diagnosed as pre-diabetic, you still have time to turn things around. But before you let some doctor put you on prescription medication, it’s important to know that there are no approved drugs for pre-diabetes.

When doctors prescribe these drugs, they’re doing it “off label”. And diabetes drugs can trigger potentially life-threatening side effects like weight gain and damage to your heart — the very problems you’re trying to avoid.

The better plan is to have your doctor test you for deficiencies in your digestive and pancreatic enzymes. And there are simple digestive enzymes you can supplement with, like lipase, protease and amylase, that can improve your digestion and help support your pancreas.

The good news is that The Daily Health has teamed up with one of the world’s most sought-after alternative health physicians, Dr. Fred Prescatore, to bring you his Metabolic Repair Protocol.

With over 30 years of knowledge in his back pocket, Dr. Pescatore is putting all of his well-researched, in-depth, easy-to-understand and attainable healing protocols right in your hands. Through his non-stop research and unique medical connections across the globe he hears about the most ground-breaking natural discoveries and healing techniques as they happen… sometimes decades before they trickle out to the mainstream.

Dr. Prescatore’s Metabolic Repair Protocol consists of 18 Lessons, packed with the latest natural approaches to help repair years of damage caused by our Western lifestyles, which could set you on the path towards prediabetes, type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

So, watch this space to find out more about the Metabolic Repair Protocol that will help you get your health back on track, no matter what your age!

Pre-diabetes is a wake-up call, but it doesn’t have to be a death sentence. Get yourself tested, take these steps to protect yourself, and you may be able to keep yourself permanently diabetes-free.

Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


Looming Danger: One in three U.S. adults prediabetic, surfky.com

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