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Simple Drug-Free Headache Remedies


We all get headaches from time to time and unbelievably they are the number one reason we visit our doctors.

According to Dr. Brian Callaghan of the University of Michigan, in the US, most headaches are not caused by something bad and even people with brain tumours rarely have headaches.

However, the exception to the rule is a headache that comes with fever, vomiting, loss of coordination, or a change in vision, speech or alertness.

These kinds of headaches could indicate a stroke or a serious brain condition and are a very good reason to see a doctor immediately.

Take two aspirins and call me in the morning

Many people may think that they’d rather err on the safe side and still visit their doctor as soon as they show signs of a headache.

The only problem is you know what your doctor is going to say: “Take two aspirins and call me in the morning.”

First, it’s not the best advice to follow because regular aspirin use can be damaging to your health. And secondly, you don’t need a doctor to tell you how to get rid of a typical, run-of-the-mill headache.

That’s because most headaches are a result of stress, tension, grinding your teeth at night, a lack of sleep or a hundred other little things.

So instead of popping the one aspirin after the other, you’d be better off using some tried and tested natural remedies. Ones that can even help with migraines as well.

First off, here are some ways to avoid headaches in the first place:

  • Drink more water: Dehydration can come on without warning, especially during the summer and can give you a pounding headache.
  • Steer clear of food additives such as MSG and aspartame: Along with causing a whole host of other medical issues, these are known headache triggers.
  • Get more sleep: When you’re not sleeping well, a morning headache can follow you around most of the day. Avoid using the computer or your smart phone several hours before bedtime. The kind of light these devices give off can cut your melatonin production short and wreck your sleep.

And to treat that headache, some techniques that are proven to work include applying ice to your forehead, taking a hot shower and massage and acupressure treatments.

Bear in mind all the material in this email alert is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


“Drug-free headache remedies more effective than painkillers” Nick Tate, June 5, 2015, NewsMax Health, newsmax.com

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