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It’s Official: Roundup Is Linked To Cancer In Humans


Quick! Read this now before the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is bullied by Monsanto to backtrack on their latest findings: The weed killer Roundup likely causes cancer in humans.

That’s right, Monsanto’s monster invention Roundup – the most widely used weed killer in the world – is not just killing weeds but is slowly but surely killing us.

Not the roundup they expected

This is not the first time that we’ve heard about the possible link between Roundup and cancer. In fact, nearly a year ago, a study based on 30 years of research found a positive connection between glyphosate – the main “killing” ingredient in Roundup – and lymph gland cancers, including both Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas.

And now the IARC – a committee of top cancer experts organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) – has confirmed this cancer link.

As expected Monsanto is outraged and is even trying to bully its way into an urgent meeting with the IARC to pressure the committee to back down.

But if there is anyone that should be fuming, then it is us… because this cancer killing spree does not start or stop with Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer.

Monsanto has made a fortune selling Roundup for use on genetically modified (GM) crops – engineered by none other than Monsanto. This means that Monsanto’s GM crops – like corn, soy, and canola – have been injected with “DNA” that helps them grow while Roundup kills everything else around them.

Two years ago French researchers reported that rats fed Monsanto’s GM corn suffered giant cancerous tumours and damage to their livers and kidneys. Other studies have shown how Roundup can disrupt your hormones – and it only takes a tiny change in hormone levels to cause permanent damage.

So their crops are hazardous to your health too… and then they treat these Franken Foods with a weed killer that causes lymph gland cancers. Talk about a double whammy.

In fact, researchers have found that Roundup levels in GM soy, an ingredient used in thousands of processed foods, are double what Monsanto called “extreme” 16 years ago.

The worst is, despite what the research says Monsanto swears its products are safe.

Luckily, in the UK and Europe food labelling laws are strictly in place to protect consumers from consuming GM foods without knowing it. In the case of pre-packaged GM food and animal feeding products, the list of ingredients must indicate “genetically modified” or “produced from genetically modified [name of the organism]”. And in the case of products without packaging these words must still be clearly displayed in close proximity to the product (e.g a note on the supermarket shelf).

However, in the US things are a bit different. Monsanto has worked hand-in-hand with friendly politicians to keep consumers in the dark about which foods are GM and may have been treated with Roundup.

Monsanto has spent a king’s ransom fighting and defeating any legislation that would label GM foods. And just last year when the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) analysed food samples for harmful pesticide and herbicide residue, it never tested for Roundup.

Does that sound like an accident to you?

If you live in the US, Monsanto will do anything in order for you not to know how much Roundup-laced food is on supermarket shelves.

The good news is that organic food is still Roundup-free. And remember – organic food isn’t some new “fad,” but rather the kind of food that people ate in the good old days before chemical sprays and toxic additives. And before we all became lab rats in Monsanto’s giant experiment.

Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


“WHO report links ingredient in Roundup to cancer” Reuters, March 20, 2015, The New York Times, nytimes.com

“Monsanto says it’s ‘outraged’ by WHO cancer risk report” Jack Kaskey, March 23, 2015, Bloomberg Business, Bloomberg.com

“Angry outbursts really do hurt your health, doctors find” Jeanne Whalen, March 23, 2015, The Wall Street Journal, wsj.com

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