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Coenzyme Q10 Helps Alleviate Gulf War Syndrome Symptoms


If there’s one message I got from Armistice Day this year, then it is that War is a terrible business… it’s after effects continue to ripple through the lives of the hundreds and thousands of veterans who served their countries, long after the last bullet was fired.

Unfortunately, with the way things are going in the world today, War is a reality we are all confronted with every single day. We cannot seem to escape it…

Help for the heroes

When our heroes return home from the battlefields, not all of them suffer with visible wounds… many also suffer with a wide range of acute and chronic symptoms including fatigue, muscle pain, cognitive problems, rashes and diarrhoea – popularly known as Gulf War Illness or Gulf War Syndrome.

During the Gulf War, soldiers were exposed to a variety of chemicals and toxins not previously experienced during any other war. These included pyridostigmine bromide pills (given to protect troops from the effects of nerve agents), depleted uranium munitions, and anthrax and botulinum vaccines.

The oil and smoke spewing for months from hundreds of burning oil wells also exposed these men and women to environmental toxins. Military personnel also had to cope with swarms of insects, requiring the widespread use of pesticides. High powered microwaves were used to disrupt communication systems. Even though it is unknown whether this contributed to the development of Gulf War Syndrome, recent research suggests that electromagnetic radiation safety limits in war zones need to be re-evaluated.

Today, it is generally accepted that the exposure to a cocktail of war zone chemicals and toxins along with a variety of environmental factors has led to thousands of men and women suffering with Gulf War Syndrome.

These war veterans have been struggling to cope with their symptoms for over 20 years – and medical authorities, doctors and hospitals have been looking for answers – yet not much has turned up to offer lasting relief… at the very least, something to help alleviate their debilitating physical symptoms.

Until now.

Researchers at the University of California in San Diego found that 80 per cent of Gulf War veterans who were treated daily with as little as a 100mg of the heart-essential nutrient Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) showed a significant improvement in their physical symptoms, like headaches, fatigue, irritability, problems with memory loss and muscle pain.

All of their symptoms improved during the CoQ10 therapy.

Lead researcher Dr. Beatrice Golomb, a professor of medicine at the university, said that all the evidence links Gulf War Syndrome to chemical exposures.

She added: “These chemicals can damage mitochondria, which generate the energy our cells need to do their jobs. When these powerhouses of the cells are disrupted, it can produce symptoms compatible with those seen in Gulf War Syndrome.”

Dr. Golomb said that since veterans as well as all members of the public can suffer from “toxin-induced health problems,” this research is of importance to everyone.

We already know how valuable CoQ10 is for the heart. Many experts have hailed it as an elixir of life… and now it looks like this amazing antioxidant has found another way to serve.

Bear in mind all the material in this email alert is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


“Coenzyme Q10 helps veterans battle Gulf War illness symptoms” November 3, 2014, News Release, UC San Diego Health System, health.ucsd.edu

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