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Winter Flu Vaccine Given To Millions Barely Works


New research from Public Health England (PHE) has found that this season’s winter flu vaccine protects just three in a hundred people.

When public health officials come out with such a statement, then you know something very fishy is going on in the pro-vaccine camp.

Flu vaccines: Trapped in a hamster wheel

We all know that there are many different strains of flu. That’s because the flu virus continually mutates – a phenomenon known as ‘drift’. Every year, the World Health Organisation (WHO) makes recommendations on the strains of flu that should be included in vaccines but it takes from February to August to produce sufficient quantities, so if changes in the virus occur once production has started it is too late to change it.

According to the WHO’s ‘predictions’, this winter was supposed to be dominated by the influenza A(H3N2) virus. However, because it mutated so rapidly, the virus strain used in the current vaccine is ineffective against the virus that is circulating.

If you want to cut the vaccine developers (and the WHO) some slack then you could argue that this was an honest mistake and that speedy mutations of the flu virus is something outside of their control.

But, they won’t be let off the hook so easily.

To start with, the WHO admitted that it knew about the mismatch as early as March last year! That’s a month after development of this year’s flu vaccine began.

So surely there was enough time to stop the development process in its tracks and start over again? After all, we’ve seen with the Swine Flu debacle that it is well within Big Pharma’s ability to develop vaccines practically overnight and to get fast tracked approval for them.

Perhaps a redevelopment would’ve cost too much money and cut into Big Pharma’s profits? Just a thought…

Secondly, Nick Phin, director of the Centre for Infectious Disease at Public Health England, said that at the stage when they detected the new strain, concerns that it would hit the UK were “pure speculation” and that it’s almost impossible “to know what strain is going to be hitting us.”

The truth is, flu vaccine manufacturing really is all about ‘speculation’: They don’t know what strain is going to hit us at any given time and they don’t know if their vaccines work. It’s as simple as that.

When the US National Institute of Health decided to conduct a decisive study on the effectiveness of flu vaccines, back in 2005, the results didn’t turn out the way they expected.

The researchers found that even though vaccination rates had been going up since 1980, they couldn’t connect the dots to “declining mortality rates in any age group.” They concluded that “studies substantially overestimate vaccination benefit.”

That’s not entirely true though, because annual mass flu vaccinations do have one major benefit: Big Money for Big Pharma.

This year is an excellent case in point. Millions of people received a flu vaccine that is completely ineffective and to double their profits, Big Pharma and its cronies are ready to get even more bang for their buck by now touting antiviral drugs.

Remember Tamiflu? The stockpiled (and side effect-ridden) antiviral drug used to shorten swine flu symptoms for a mere day and a half at most.

In light of the latest vaccine debacle, the UK’s Deputy chief medical officer, John Watson said: “Antiviral drugs are available and effective, and doctors should prescribe them for those at greatest risk of becoming seriously ill due to flu.”

Let’s be clear, these guys are flogging a dead horse because antiviral flu drugs are as ineffective as each year’s flu vaccine.

It’s a wicked game these vaccine conmen are playing.

Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


New winter flu vaccine given to millions barely works, according to public health officials, published online 05.02.15, independent.co.uk

Public health officials knew months ago about UK flu vaccine mismatch, publish online 06.02.15, theguardian.com

“Flu-shot coverup? CDC accused of ignoring data showing vaccine doesn’t work” Sylvia Booth Hubbard, November 3, 2014, Newsmax Health, newsmaxhealth.com

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