5 Ways Oregano Oil Can Help Support Your Health


According to Greek mythology the goddess of love, Aphrodite, cherished the herb oregano so much that she grew large amounts of it in her garden on top of Mount Olympus.

Mythology set aside, oregano (Origanum vulgare) has been studied thoroughly for many years, but it’s only in the past decade that mounting evidence has been showing just how versatile this herb is when it comes to offering a wide range of potential health benefits.

Oregano’s staggering list of health benefits all come down to the high concentration of a powerful antioxidant called carvacrol that it contains. Unlike the dried leaves used in cooking, a few concentrated drops of organic oregano oil is where the real power of carvacrol lies.

Here are 5 of oregano oil’s top health benefits:

  • Balance gut flora: A healthy balance of intestinal flora is imperative for good health as it encourages proper digestion, which boosts nutrition absorption that in turn bolsters your immune system. A study, published in the Archives of Animal Nutrition, found that carvacrol in particular helps to promote gut health by creating an appropriate balance of good bacteria and bad bacteria.


  • Yeast and fungal infections: It took a while for the mainstream to finally accept that yeast overgrowths are debilitating infections that can cause havoc to your health. However, they’re not even halfway to accepting the same about fungal infections. While total eradication of both yeast and fungal infections is next to impossible, achieving a balance is possible with the help of carvacrol. In a study that examined the use of essential oils as a means to address fungal infections and specifically combat a candida overgrowth, carvacrol was among the most effective.


  • Supporting liver function: Let’s face it, we live in a world filled with all kinds of toxins lurking around. This ever-present barrage of toxins places a massive burden on our livers. Research has shown that oregano oil may help the body’s natural detoxifying processes. A study, published in the journal Parasitology Research, found that carvacrol in particular supports normal function of the liver, which is the body’s primary detoxifying organ.


  • Help relieve joint pain: Joint pain and discomfort is one of the biggest health problems patients suffer with as they age. Two very recent preliminary studies have shown independently that carvacrol may offer hope for those suffering with joint pain and stiffness.


  • Boosting immunity: This benefit is kind of obvious, since oregano oil helps support healthy gut flora, combats yeast and fungal infections and aids in the detoxifying process – all key components to a healthy and strong immune system. In addition, oregano oil also supplies the body with powerful antioxidants, which are essential in fighting free radical damage and inflammation.


Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


Archives of Animal Nutrition. April 2010. doi: 10.1080/17450390903499915

Anthelmintic activity of carvacryl acetate against Schistosoma mansoni. Parasitology Research. February 2013. doi: 10.1007/s0-7

Human and Experimental Toxocology. August 2013. PMID: 23925945

European Journal of Pharmacology. January 2013. doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2012.11.040. PLoS. September 25, 2012. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0046336.

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  • It’s just a pity oregano oil has such a bad tatse. Tried it a few times, but I just couldn’t swallow it.

  • Where can I buy oregano oil or can I also use some fresh leaves steeped like a tea?


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