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Monsanto Taken To Court Over Cancer Claims


Our regular readers will know that if there is one thing we all should steer clear of then it is Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup. Roundup’s main ingredient glyphosate has been linked to an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease, certain types of cancers in humans and animals, as well as hormonal disruptions.

Despite the evidence mounting against Monsanto’s weed killer, the company and its supporters are dead set on keeping the truth about Roundup under wraps? but this may all change very soon.

More than just a weed killer

Nearly a year ago, a study based on 30 years of research found a positive connection between glyphosate ? the main potentially dangerous ingredient in Roundup ? and lymph gland cancers, including both Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas.

In 2015, the IARC ? a committee of top cancer experts organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) ? confirmed this cancer link. And as expected Monsanto was outraged and started a campaign of bullying and intimidation to put pressure on the IARC to back down.

Then nearly a year later, the WHO published a report on Monday 16 May 2016, stating that Roundup does not pose a cancer risk to humans through the diet.

These findings are clearly at odds with what the IARC found… as well as years of evidence linking Roundup to various health dangers.

What went wrong? Why is the WHO backtracking?

Could it be because four Nebraska farmers have filed a law suit against Monsanto, claiming that Roundup is the reason why all four of them have been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma?

Three of the men farm, the fourth is an agronomist. All say they have been exposed to Roundup since it became a widely used herbicide promoted by Monsanto.

The court papers also state that “Monsanto led a campaign of misinformation to convince government agencies, farmers and the general population that Roundup is safe”.

Monsanto, as expected, defends its weed killer, which is sold worldwide and almost certainly contributes to a massive chunk of the company’s profits. On the company’s website it says glyphosate, the chemical in Roundup, has been “under attack” and has a 40-year history of “safe use”.

In fact, Monsanto has been trying to promote the safety of Roundup, by intimidating those who exposed its dangers.

A case in point: Just five years ago, Argentinian researcher Dr. Andreas Carrasco discovered that low doses of Roundup were causing birth defects in frogs and chickens. After he published his findings and planned to give a talk on his research, a violent mob of pro-Roundup thugs showed up at his office to interrogate him.

But these intimidation tactics don’t stop there? A group representing employees at the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) claims that agency scientists are having their careers threatened for trying to expose the dangers of Roundup and other agricultural chemicals.

One USDA scientist (who asked not to be named) recently told a newspaper: “Your words are changed, your papers are censored or edited or you are not allowed to submit them at all.” He was talking about research involving the effects of Roundup. So yes, when you prevent people from telling the truth, then the lies and information that is out there is the only “truth” Joe Public will ever know about.

The simple fact is ? and clearly many people have been trying to come out with it ? Roundup has been under attack for 40 years because it is a dangerous disease-causing herbicide that is being used all across the world on crops that end up on our dinner tables.

Sadly, Monsanto is such a global power that not even the WHO can escape its stranglehold and intimidation tactics…

Let’s hope that those four farmers manage to expose Monsanto and its potential ‘killer’ herbicide once and for all.

Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


Nebraska Farmers Sue Monsanto Over Cancer, published online 05.17.16, kticradio.com

“Environmental group seeks greater protection for USDA scientists” Carey Gillam, March 27, 2015, Reuters, reuters.com

“USRTK calls for investigation of Monsanto cover up, harassment of USDA scientists” Gary Ruskin, March 30, 2015, USRTK, usrtk.org

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