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Ignore Dietary Guidelines And Help Reverse Type 2 Diabetes?


As a regular reader of The Daily Health you’ll know by now that the official dietary guidelines for those suffering with diabetes and obesity are far from being accurate (or good for your health!) and that they actually do more harm than good, especially when it comes to the recommendation to follow a high-carb/low-fat diet.

Yet, despite mounting evidence showing that loading up on carbohydrates and avoiding healthy saturated fats could harm your health these damaging guidelines are still being touted as the “gold standard”…

However, there is light at the end of the tunnel and looks like the tide is slowly but surely turning against the high-carb/low-fat diet myth.

Eat fat!

I recently had the pleasure of listing to a TEDtalk by Dr. Sarah Hallberg, the Medical Director of the Medically Supervised Weight Loss Programme. Dr. Hallberg is also board certified in both obesity medicine and internal medicine and has a Master’s Degree in Exercise Physiology.

Needless to say, she is no light-weight when it comes to her knowledge and expertise in both diabetes and obesity, and her dietary and nutritional programmes have consistently exceeded national benchmarks for weight loss, and has been highly successful in reversing diabetes and other metabolic diseases.

Her TEDtalk was called: Reversing Type 2 diabetes starts with ignoring the guidelines.

Good title!

In her talk, Dr. Hallberg explains how current dietary guidelines could cause serious harm to your insulin levels (causing insulin resistance) – the last thing anyone suffering with diabetes or obesity needs!

Instead, she recommends that we all start eating more healthy saturated fats (even those of us who don’t suffer with metabolic disorders). That’s because fat is the only macronutrient that keeps glucose (blood sugar) levels low, which is essential if you want to avoid potential insulin spikes and eventually insulin resistance – a precursor for diabetes.

In fact, she lays down 5 very simple rules for a healthy eating:

  1. If it says ‘light’, ‘low-fat’ or ‘fat-free’ it stays on the supermarket shelf: Once the fat is removed from any food it is replaced with additional sugar and additives. Not good!
  2. Eat real food: Real food does not come in pretty packaging with ingredients lists and no one should be telling you that real food is ‘natural’ because you should know that when you look at it.
  3. Don’t eat anything you don’t like.
  4. Eat when you are hungry and don’t eat when you are not… no matter what the clock says.
  5. NO GPS: Avoid at all costs grains, potatoes and sugar

You may question her advice on avoiding grains. After all, we’ve been told that grains are ‘good for us’, right? But that’s only the case if it is a ‘real wholegrain’. Most foods that are supposedly wholegrain are also highly processed or they come with highly refined flour – ruining any fibre benefits, which is why as a general rule of thumb Dr. Hallberg recommends avoiding grains altogether.

If you want to find out more about Dr. Hallberg’s ground-breaking views on how to combat diabtes by ignoring mainstream dietary guidelines, click here.

Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


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