News & Views

With any news outlet available at the click of a button nowadays, it’s more important to know where you should look for reliable and unbiased information. The Daily Health has long been opposed to some of the bias reporting you see in today’s mainstream media, and therefore set out to separate the facts from the fiction.

Cutting straight to the heart of all the latest health news, our editorial team presents you with a different perspective on what is being reported in the mainstream. Giving you all the facts and scientific evidence you need on the latest health breakthroughs or the latest pharmaceutical scandal, we allow you to make an informed decision and formulate an opinion.

What’s the real story behind the effectiveness and safety of antidepressants? Will the UK’s Sugar Tax have any real impact on the obesity crisis in Britain? What are the dangers of off-label drug use? These are just some of the news topics we cover. We have encountered and answered numerous other questions from the spectrum of health related news that could impact your daily life.

The Daily Health editorial opinion will open your eyes to a new way of looking at how the news is being presented to you and inform you of the crucial details without prejudice or bias.

Latest Articles in News & Views


Is Being A True Doctor A Slow Dying ‘Art’?

Our family doctor was awesome — Dr. Wilken. We were 5 siblings and Dr. Wilken knew each of our medical histories like we were his own children. He listened to our concerns, made...

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swine flu

Swine Flu Vaccine Narcolepsy Sufferer Wrapped In Legal Battle

When the Swine Flu 'pandemic' of 2009 happened, we warned our readers that it was nothing more than a strategy from governments across the globe to push stock of the Tamiflu anti-v...

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Driving Under The Influence… Of Caffeine?!

With all the strange and outlandish things showing up in our newsfeeds lately, here's one that tops the "weird list": An officer arrested a man in California for "erratic, reckless...

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The Crumbling NHS: Take Matters In Your Own Hands

The first week of 2017 has barely gone by and already the crumbling National Health Service (NHS) has made headlines with the Red Cross describing the state of our health services...

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Smoking E-Cigarettes May Not Be As Safe And Healthy As You Think

Quitting smoking is by far the best thing you can do for your health. Fact. That's because according to national statistics, 50 per cent of all smokers' health will be affected bec...

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Beyond Brexit: The Future of Your Healthcare

What is the future of the NHS after Brexit? Will our health services improve or will the negative effects (for instance caps on immigration that might limit medical resources) see...

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Brexit: The Future Of The NHS… Join The Conversation

The immediate panic and political chaos after the Brexit vote seem like something of the distant past. Yes, there is still a lot of speculation about what the future holds for the...

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Brexit. NHS

Participate in our “Brexit and the NHS” survey

It's nearly two weeks since the Brexit referendum result was announced on Friday 24 June... and then followed Brexodus with one politician after another resigning in panic, like a...

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Saving Our NHS With Brexit?

The Brexit debate continues... and frankly it's becoming a bit exhausting, not to mention worrying... especially when it comes to the economic uncertainty our country is wrapped up...

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Brexit, obesity, NHS, Health Reforms

Will Brexit See The Planned Childhood Obesity Strategy Binned?

With the UK government in complete meltdown (to say the least), as politicians are trying to get to grips with the referendum result, it's impossible to get any sense of what the l...

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