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Beat Menopause Symptoms With This Powerful Herbal Duo


There’s a reason they call menopause the “change of life” and not the “time of your life.”

For most women going through the menopause can be a dizzying experience that can last for years, with wide-ranging symptoms that include irritability, hot flushes, fatigue, depression, bone loss, and more.

Get off the drug carousel

Considering the wide range of symptoms associated with menopause, it’s no surprise that women often end up on Big Pharma’s drug carousel with one potentially-dangerous pill for your bones, another for your fatigue, and a side-effect-laced cream for your hot flushes.

I think you get the idea.

Fortunately, German researchers have now discovered that a powerful herbal duo may be able to put an end to some of the most distressing menopause symptoms in a matter of weeks!

Researchers at a leading hospital in Hamburg performed a comprehensive analysis on several studies designed to determine whether the powerful and proven herbal remedies black cohosh and St. John’s wort could help ease daily menopause misery.

These herbs have been used for centuries to help everything from kidney disease to depression. But the German research team discovered that when black cohosh and St. John’s wort are used together, they help improve a variety of menopausal symptoms running the gamut from hot flushes to trouble sleeping and concentrating.

By using the two herbal remedies together, researchers were able to achieve much more impressive results than either herb delivered on its own.

This is not the first time that black cohosh has been shown to help end the misery of menopausal hot flushes and night sweats. Several double-blind trials have proved the effectiveness of this beneficial herb.

A previous study, also conducted in Germany, included 95 women who were given black cohosh extract, conventional HRT or a placebo, for 12 weeks. At the end of the study, black cohosh was found to be equally as effective as HRT in reducing sweating episodes and improving sleep quality.

Further work by the same researchers has shown that black cohosh also has significant bone-strengthening benefits and could be important in preventing osteoporosis in post-menopausal women.

Another study even showed black cohosh could cut breast cancer risk in HALF.

If menopause is making you miserable, it’s time to talk to your doctor about getting off the prescription-drug carousel and giving these safe, natural alternatives a try. In just weeks you could be feeling like your old self again ? and that’s the type of powerful result that only Mother Nature can deliver.

Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


Black Cohosh and St. John’s Wort May Improve Menopausal Symptoms (naturalstandard.com)

Maturitas 2006; 55 (Suppl 1): S83-91

Menopause 2006; 13(2): 185-196

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  • Some people suffers terribly with all these different symptoms (I sympathised with all suffers). There are so many different types of hormones in our bodies that control every type of cells, the menopause however does take time to settle down, and as you say, it is quite difficult to cope with; especially that no one knows how they are going to feel when their turn comes. What I do believe is that, it is better to take natural remedies, where humanly possible, so not to complicate the ‘intelligence’ of the brain. I can advise you to try using magnet therapy and stretching exercise and other health benefit techniques. I have found this to help.

  • This is easier said than done. Some women (like me) really suffer terribly with menopause symptoms and these remedies may take too long to bring relief.


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