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Ageing Gracefully: It’s All In The Mind


In addition to eating a healthy diet, effectively addressing stress and emotional challenges plays a key role in maintaining a healthy and youthful appearance.

In fact, previous research has found that your life experiences or, perhaps more precisely, how you deal with them, has a greater impact on the ageing process than your genetic makeup.

It all adds up

Studies have shown that people who had been through the stress of a divorce looked nearly two years older than their married, single or even widowed twin. Those who used antidepressants also appeared significantly older.

These findings lend further credibility to the emerging science of epi-genetics – the idea that environmental factors, like stress and your diet, are directly responsible for the expression of your genes.

In epi-genetics it is the expression of your genes – NOT the genes themselves –  that dictates whether you will develop certain diseases, and how gracefully you may age.

So, for example, even if you may have a genetic “predisposition” for facial wrinkles, you are not necessarily doomed to develop a face full of wrinkles by the time you hit 40.

According to ground breaking research by Dr. Bruce Lipton, a forerunner in the field of epi-genetics, your genetic expression is ruled by your mind and your emotions.

In other words, being able to maintain a more positive outlook can influence the expression of your genes, and directly impact how you age.

Previous research has also determined that stress lessens your skin’s ability to function properly, and that prolonged exposure to psychological stress can speed up the ageing process of your cells and cause them to die at a faster rate than normal.

In a nutshell, having a healthy, youthful appearance on the outside involves both a healthy diet that supports your internal cleansing mechanisms, along with effectively addressing your stress levels and how you deal with emotional challenges.

Both of these factors can have a beneficial impact on the expression of your genes, which in turn can go a long way to keeping Father Time at bay ?¦ or at least slow the ageing process down considerably.

Bear in mind all the material in this email alert is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


‘Your Life, Not Your Genes, is What Adds Years to Your Face’ by Dr. Mercola, published 19.02.09, drmercola.com

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