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Flu Symptoms Or Liver Toxicity?


Do you feel like you might have the flu?

Here’s a thought: You may have liver toxicity instead.

Over the past few days many of us probably enjoyed a few too many pints or glasses of champagne or chardonnay… It was the festive season after all.

As a result, many may have mistakenly reached for an paracetamol (acetaminophen) as a hangover preventive.

I say mistakenly, because to get past a hangover, you need to process and eliminate the alcohol from your body. Paracetamol can delay this process and lengthen a hangover. Even worse, the combination of alcohol and paracetamol can put dangerous stress on your liver.

Let’s say, for instance, you came down with a cold over the festive season and you took medication that contains paracetamol to relieve your congestion and headaches.

Flashing light

After having a few celebratory drinks on New Year’s Eve, you then wake up the next day feeling like you have the flu… That’s how the onset of liver toxicity feels… So, you reach for a few more paracetamol or a cold remedy containing acetaminophen and grab a cup of coffee to help you get on with your day.

If your liver had a “maintenance required” light, it would be flashing furiously.

So, if there’s one New Year’s resolution you should stick to this year, then this is it: If you overdo it on the cocktails, drink plenty of water before you go to bed… and skip the paracetamol chaser.

Disclaimer: This article is part of the Daily Health's extensive research archive. The research and information contained in this article was accurate at the the time of publication but may have been updated since the date of publication. Consult our most recent articles for the latest research on alternative health and natural breakthroughs.

Bear in mind the material provided in this content is for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.

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