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Busting The Fluoride Myth

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Officials in Ireland may soon make putting fluoride in drinking water (fluoridation) a criminal offence. France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Sweden, Portugal and many other countries don’t fluoridate. Canadians and Australians have been phasing it out quickly in recent years.

Even in the US, many communities are waking up to the dangers of this toxin. That’s why it’s so hard to understand why some governments (and in the UK, local councils) cannot let go of the preposterous myth that water fluoridation is healthy… necessary even. It’s the exact opposite. It’s actually toxic.

Time to stop swallowing the story… and the fluoride

Back in 2007, the American Dental Association (ADA) first warned that infants younger than a year old should not consume baby formula that has been mixed with fluoridated water, due to concerns about dental fluorosis.

In 2011, the Journal of the American Dental Association published a study that found increased fluorosis risk among infants who were fed infant formula reconstituted with fluoride-containing water. The researchers said that mild dental fluorosis can be reduced by avoiding the consumption of large quantities of fluoride… and these are dentists speaking who in the past have always been fluorides biggest advocates!

Recently, a Harvard study found that children in high fluoride areas have significantly lower IQ scores than children in low fluoride areas. (Previous animal studies suggest fluoride might be a neurotoxin.)

Other research shows that high fluoride levels might drain your testosterone. Men, that’s the LAST thing you need. And infertility is just a small part of that problem.

Studies have also linked fluoridation to other health worries, including bone cancer, arthritis, and reduced thyroid function.

But the most ironic chapter in the fluoride myth is dental health.

Rates of cavities are the same in fluoridated and non-fluoridated industrialized countries. So the dental benefit just isn’t there.

No dental (or any) benefit. Lower IQ. Impotence and infertility. Potential for all kinds of disease. It all adds up to something WORSE than junk. And we pay for the privilege!

If you live in a council area in the UK that still fluoridates your drinking water, visit The UK Councils Against Fluoridation’s (UKCAF) website to see how they can help to stop the archaic practice of water fluoridation!

It’s time to make our water safe to swallow again.

Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


“Glaxo’s Avandia Scores FDA Victory” Thomas M. Burton, The Wall St. Journal, 6/6/13, online.wsj.com

“Increased risk of adult obesity is one of the long-term consequences facing children with ADHD, even if their diagnostic symptoms fade” Tara Haelle, Scientific American, 5/20/13, scientificamerican.com

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  • Perhaps the most alarming but least recognised danger of adding fluoride to drinking water is that it makes the residual aluminium in that water more easily transferred from the gut into the brain. With the development of the use of aluminium sulphate in water treatment the tiny residual trace of aluminium that now remains in most of our water has become absorbable. Over decades it accumulates in the brain, causing dementia in old age. And fluoride is the most effective substance known to increase the rate at which that aluminium can get to our brains. So fluoridation is believed by leading aluminium toxicologists to substantially increase the prevalence and bring forward the age at which we develop diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease. It is ironic that two processes that are used in the preparation of our drinking water, with the aim of improving its safety and heathy properties, actually combine to lead to the greatest public health hazard from water in our modern age.

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