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Could Vitamin E Slow The Progression Of Alzheimer?s Disease?


Back in 2008, we told you about a study, conducted by researchers at Johns Hopkins Alzheimer’s Disease Research Centre, which showed that vitamin E may have a positive effect on the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.

Back then, researchers had only just begun to discover the benefits of vitamin E for Alzheimer’s disease. However, in more recent years, mounting evidence is showing that this powerful free radical fighting vitamin should without a doubt be part of your arsenal against Alzheimer’s disease.

The research findings speak for themselves?

When a loved one is suffering from Alzheimer’s, you don’t measure the disease’s heart breaking progression in months or even days… you measure it moment-by-moment.

There’s the moment when your loved one is sharing the same story they told you an hour ago, again… or when you realise they can’t live independently or bathe themselves any more… and the terrifying moment when they don’t have slightest idea of who you are.

But there is hope… thanks to vitamin E.

In the most recent vitamin E study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers gave more than 600 Alzheimer’s patients either daily doses of vitamin E, the Alzheimer’s drug memantine, a combination of vitamin E and memantine or a placebo.

Their results showed that memantine had very little effect in slowing down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease during the two-plus years study period. However, vitamin E was a whole different story. It turns out that 2000 IUs of vitamin E daily gave Alzheimer’s patients MONTHS worth of quality of life back.

The participants who took vitamin E saw their annual rate of decline decrease by 19 per cent, which means their symptoms were delayed by a full six months!

But that’s not all. The vitamin E patients needed about two fewer hours of care each day ? a HUGE relief for their caregivers ? and were a full 22 per cent less likely to die during the study.

Those of you who are taking care of a loved one suffering with this heart breaking disease, will know that an added six months spent together can be priceless. You can perhaps fit in another Christmas or a birthday.

Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


Daily High?Dose Vitamin E Might Delay Alzheimer’s (nlm.nih.gov)

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  • Thnaks for a great website. I love the stuff you write about. Helpful and natural.

  • I wish they will find a cure for this horrible disease. But I’m afraid AD is going to turn into a Pharma industry just like cancer. They don’t want to find a cure. There is too much money to be made.

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