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High Cholesterol Does Not Cause Heart Disease


“High cholesterol ‘does not cause heart disease’ new research finds, so treating with statins a ‘waste of time’.”

That’s just one of the headlines about the latest statin research that made the news earlier this week.

And we’ve been saying the same thing for years.

The truth always wins

A recent review of research, published in the BMJ Open Journal, involving nearly 70,000 people found there was no link between so-called “bad” cholesterol and the premature deaths of over 60-year-olds from cardiovascular disease.

This new study also found that 92 per cent of people with high cholesterol levels actually lived longer.

Yes, that’s right: 92 per cent of people with high cholesterol levels actually lived longer.

Now, I’m pretty sure this doesn’t bode well with Big Pharma and all its pro-statin supporters who have been pushing these side effect-ridden drugs to tens of millions of people across the globe for more than two decades.

Previously, we told you about changes to statin prescription guidelines, which mean that the majority of men over 50 and women over 60 are now advised to take statin drugs as a precaution… even if they are at no (or low) risk of cardiovascular disease.

In other words, millions of healthy people are given these drugs whether they need them or not. In total approximately 12 million are receiving these drugs as a result of these new guidelines.

Based on the results of this latest study, the researchers have called for a re-evaluation of statin prescription guidelines for the prevention of cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis — the hardening and narrowing of the arteries. The researchers added that “the benefits from statin treatment have been exaggerated”.

If you’re a regular reader of the Daily Health, you’ll know that has been part of our message for years… and it seems that more and more people are cottoning onto this fact.

Professor Sherif Sultan from the University of Ireland, who was part of the research team, said cholesterol is one of the “most vital” molecules in the body and that it prevents infection, cancer, muscle pain and other conditions in elderly people.

He added: “Lowering cholesterol with medications for primary cardiovascular prevention in those aged over 60 is a total waste of time and resources, whereas altering your lifestyle is the single most important way to achieve a good quality of life.”

Lead researcher Dr Uffe Ravnskov, a former associate professor of renal medicine at Lund University in Sweden, said there was “no reason” to lower high LDL “bad” cholesterol.

As expected, statin diehards are up in arms about these findings. But that’s their problem, because clearly the mainstream’s cholesterol-lowering con is slowly but surely being exposed and so are the dangers of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs.

Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


High cholesterol ‘does not cause heart disease’ new research finds, so treating with statins a ‘waste of time’, published online 13.06.16, telegraph.co.uk
BMJ Open 2016;6:e010401 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010401

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  • My friend’s mother had high cholesterol for most of her life and lived to be 103. My friend who is 70 has been encouraged by her doctor to take stations for 15 years and absolutely refuses , quoting her mum’s case.

  • I’ve always had high cholesterol, and every doctor has advised I take lipitor (which made me feel ill as I’m intolerant of drugs & alcohol) -the latest one told me I’m at severe risk of dying of a stroke within the next 5 years unless I take lipitor, “what do you prefer, aching legs or dying?” – I refused. (I live in Australia – religiously follows American culture)

    • Great comment. Thank you. As the researchers of this latest study (along with many others) said (and you know this too):”altering your lifestyle is the single most important way to achieve a good quality of life.”


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