Ferula Hermonis Can Restore Your Libido And Sexual Potency

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Most complementary health practitioners are familiar with ferula hermonis. It is one of a growing number of herbs that is routinely prescribed and held in high regard for its potent health-giving properties. In ferulas case these mainly relate to its ability to improve male libido and sexual performance.

While Ferula Hermonis benefits in this area are no secret to the majority of natural health specialists, we believe that the plant deserves wider recognition, as it offers an effective alternative to Viagra. In fact, in its natural habitat in the high mountains of Lebanon, Syria and Israel where it can be found growing at heights of up to ten thousand feet it has been dubbed The Lebanese Viagra.

While ferula may achieve the same positive results as Viagra, it doesn’t come with the drugs long list of harmful side effects these include facial flushing, upset stomachs, headaches, heart complications, urinary tract infections, and abnormal vision.

Traditional healers in the surrounding regions have long used the herb as a general tonic and to improve impotence and lack of sexual desire. It is also thought that when the plant is burned, the resin it produces gives off a distinctive odor that can heighten sexual desire and sensations.

While, no studies have been conducted as yet to confirm or refute this latter claim, there is a growing body of research to support its use as a supplement for improving libido and sexual performance.

Ferula Hermonis helps regulate the hormones that influence your libido

The main ingredients in Ferula Hermonis responsible for the plants ability to boost libido are the chemicals feroline and ferutitine. These chemicals are able to increase the production of the male hormone testosterone and also help balance levels of the female hormone oestrogen.

Both sexes produce testosterone and oestrogen the correct balance of which is important for a number of functions including libido. For example, an increase in oestrogen can cause a loss of libido in men, and an increase of libido in women. When it comes to testosterone, low levels increase the risk of male impotence, whereas high levels help boost sexual stamina in men.

Ingredients in the plant, particularly ferutinine, have also been found to improve the action of another sex hormone lutenising hormone (LH). This hormone stimulates men’s testicles to produce greater levels of testosterone, which in turn helps increase sexual drive (Ref. 1). Researchers have also found that the plant can improve motivation, mood and general wellbeing.

Don’t Let Erectile Dysfunction Undermine Your Confidence

When Mahmoud, a 58-year-old male from Beirut, came to live and work in London, hed just been through a particularly painful and difficult divorce. It   was this factor that his doctor attributed to his sudden inability to get or maintain an erection. This problem was made worse when he started a relationship with a woman he met some months later.

The anxiety and stress his erectile dysfunction caused him meant that he ended up being unable to have sexual intercourse at all. Mahmoud considered Viagra but was worried about the numerous side effects he heard it could cause. It wasn’t until he and his girlfriend went to visit relatives in Lebanon that he finally got the help he’d been so desperately searching for.

A local doctor told him about the considerable success he had achieved prescribing ferula supplements to those patients of his suffering from impotence. After taking the plant remedy, Mahmoud found that it wasn’t long before his libido returned and his erectile problems completely disappeared. Not only that but his confidence and self-esteem have improved dramatically too.

To benefit from ferula its vital you know how to take the plant properly

To improve sexual performance the recommended dosage is 2-3ml of ferula methanolic (dissolved in alcohol) liquid extract taken twice a day, for no longer than 2 to 3 days at a time. In an animal study, scientists working at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Jordan found that ferula extract dissolved in alcohol significantly improves sexual performance and libido (Ref. 2).

The methanolic form is believed to be far more effective than the aqueous form (namely ferula dissolved in water), which can in fact cause a loss of libido in some cases (Ref. 3).

It is also important to note that ferula should only be used for short periods 2 to 3 days at a time. This is because studies have revealed that the plant may have the opposite effect if used for prolonged periods over 10 days at a time and can actually cause a reduction in testosterone levels and lower libido (Ref. 4, 5).

In an academic article, Dr El-Thaher, who led a team of scientists in Jordan studying ferula said: Our studies indicate that the crude oil from the plant Ferula hermonis can enhance erectile function (improves impotence), however it becomes toxic if it is used for a long period of time (Ref. 6).

In addition, it is important that teenagers do not take ferula, as animal studies suggest that it could cause sexual problems to develop in cases where the sexual system is still not properly developed.

Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


1. Pharmacol, Toxicol. 1990: 4, 37-38
2. Fitoterapia. 2003;74(3):242-6
3. Endocr J. 2001 Aug;48(4):473-82
4. Int J Impot Res. 2005;17(6):513-8
5. Int J Impot Res. 2003 15(6):450-5
6. Int J Impot Res. 2001 13(4):247-51

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