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Metal Magic Chelation: Expel Toxic Metals With This Herbal Formula


At first glance, oral chelation treatments seem like a good method of ridding the body of toxic heavy metals. They’re a lot more convenient and a lot less expensive than the more commonly used intravenous (IV) treatments. However, oral chelation has never been fully accepted by health professionals and rightfully so, since there are many bogus oral chelation ‘supplements’ available from online resources – and using these without medical supervision can be dangerous for your health.

Fortunately, there is an oral chelation product called Metal Magic that appears to offer a safe, completely natural way to rid your body of harmful toxic metals.

Metal Magic Chelation: Toxins everywhere you turn

If you eat, drink, or bathe, you’re being exposed to toxic metals on a daily basis. The problem is that once heavy metals enter the system, they stay there because our bodies don’t naturally expel them. And once they’re there, they slowly chip away at your health – leading to all sorts of seemingly unrelated problems. In fact, heavy metal toxicity has been linked to high blood pressure, joint pain, and Alzheimer’s disease.

We are surrounded by the big three heavy metals: lead, aluminium, and mercury. Heavy metals can find their way into your body in small doses through sources that may come as a surprise: wine bottle wrappers, tile and linoleum, and crystal glassware, just to name a few.

But according to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), food is the main source of lead intake for most people. Levels in food are routinely monitored in the UK by the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food, and show that beverages, vegetables, fish and milk are the main food groups containing lead. However, drinking water may also be a source of lead exposure in the UK. Lead exposure has been linked to high blood pressure, digestive problems, nerve disorders, memory and concentration problems, and muscle and joint pain. And, unfortunately, having a water filter is not adequate to purify your drinking water. Most water filters will reduce the level of chlorine in drinking water but it won’t cut down on the heavy metals.

Aluminium is another heavy metal we are exposed to on a daily basis. Significant amounts of aluminium can be found in food emulsifiers, antiperspirant deodorants, hair sprays, baking powder, many types of toothpastes, much of our drinking water, and most of our cookware. Aluminium accumulates in your brain, where it kills off neurons and leads to memory loss. At this point, its fairly common knowledge that aluminium has been implicated in Alzheimer’s disease, though that link hasn’t been officially proven.

To find the third heavy metal, you probably won’t have to look further than your own mouth. Chances are you paid good money to have your dentist fill a cavity with this toxic metal. Mercury: it is a natural occurring toxin found in soil, rocks, wood, and fuels (coal and oil), and from those sources it stealthily makes its way into our water and air. But the two primary sources of mercury exposure are our dental fillings and our food supply.

Numerous studies conducted in the 1970s and 80s found that the mercury from fillings leak into your body when we chew, ending up in the lungs, heart, kidneys, endocrine glands, gastrointestinal tract, jaw tissue, and brain. The problem with mercury fillings is that they can be just as dangerous to remove as they are to leave in. Removing an amalgam (mercury) filling releases significant amounts of mercury into your lungs, kidneys, endocrine organs, liver, and heart even when there was no detection of mercury in these organs before the procedure.

Mercury is also present in certain foods we eat. You’ve probably heard the many warnings on the news about high levels of mercury in large game fish, such as swordfish, sharks, and tuna. The Food Standards Agency (FSA) recommends that adults should have only one portion of these fish a week due to the high mercury levels present in this food source. However, pregnant women and women intending to become pregnant should avoid these fish and limit the amount of tuna they eat.

Metal Magic Chelation: Knocks out tough metals

The best way to rid your body of these harmful metals is by chelation, a process that removes heavy metals from the bloodstream.

Chelation is a complex and very ‘involved’ process through which heavy metals are removed from the system. Chelation Therapy should be overseen by an experienced doctor or healthcare practitioner and in most cases, it is preferred to be done with IV infusions. These infusions are costly and time consuming.

Most oral chelation formulas are based on EDTA, a substance that has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use of heavy metal toxicity. Even though there are many so-called EDTA oral chelators available, it can be extremely unsafe to endeavour doing your own Chelation Therapy with these chelators, without the supervision of a doctor.

Metal Magic, on the other hand is 100 per cent natural and therefore much safer. Metal Magic is a powerful combination of fresh cilantro (the seeds of this plant is known as coriander) and chlorella (single-celled green algae) that rids your body of the metals as effectively as EDTA oral chelators. First, the cilantro neutralises the charge in the metals, then the chlorella absorbs the heavy metals and eliminates them from the body. Metal Magic is in a liquid extract form as a tincture, which is believed to make the cilantro and chlorella even stronger and absorption in the system even better, thus making Metal Magic more effective.

There are a handful of formulas based on using chlorella or cilantro separately, but “Metal Magic” is the first formula that combines the two.

Clinical studies completed in September 2005 showed that the Metal Magic chelation formula can naturally remove an average of 87 per cent of Lead, 91 per cent of Mercury, and 74 per cent of Aluminium from the body within 42 days. The study, was conducted by healthcare professionals at The Optimal Wellness Test Research Centre in Nevada, in the US. Of the 50 people participating in the trial, five subjects showed a 100 per cent reduction in their lead levels, 17 showed a 100 per cent reduction in their mercury levels and 10 showed a 92 per cent reduction in their aluminium levels.
No one during the testing had any adverse reactions or side-effects.

The study also showed that nitrogen, nitrates, and ammonias increased overall to wellness numbers by 25 per cent. This means that the product also decreased other toxic levels that are stored intra-cellular in the body.

Its important to note, however, that as you rid your body of heavy metals, you are going through a period of detoxification, and you could experience symptoms such as fatigue, loose bowels, or common cold symptoms. This is simply the body’s way of adjusting to the detoxifying process. More importantly, it is imperative that you support your body during the detox period with a balanced diet plan.

While Metal Magic was reviewed and tested by an independent lab, the results have not been clinically proven. However, these initial findings are a good indicator of its potential as an oral chelator. If you are interested in trying Metal Magic, make sure to discuss it with your doctor first.

Metal Magic Chelation: What to take for best results

4 droppers, 3 times a day for 2-6 weeks. (After an initial 6-week detox, two 2-week detox a year should keep you reasonably clean unless you encounter some abnormal exposure to heavy metals or eat contaminated fish every day – in which case you may need to do a 6-week cleanse more often.)

Note: at 12 droppers per day, each bottle lasts approximately 1 week. For your detox, plan on a bottle per week.

Metal Magic is not intended as a daily supplement because your body actually needs small amounts of some metals (such as iron), and you don’t want to completely eliminate them from your body.

It is suggested that once you are cleaned out after 42 days, you should only use Metal Magic for two weeks at a time every three to four months to keep your body free of heavy metal toxicity. However, if you have dental amalgam fillings or eat a lot of high-mercury fish, you should consider doing a cleanse every two months.

Metal Magic can be resourced from online resources such as baselinenutritionals.com.

Bear in mind all the material in this email alert is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


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  • can you please tell me the composition of your formulation. this is because i want to make sure that none of your ingredient are allergic to me.

  • Lisa,
    I had a similar response to you – a lot of the symptoms of mercury toxicity showed up at the mercury was moving around. That just means it’s working. If you had a really bad response, that probably means you have a lot of mercury in your body, so you will feel better in the end. Remember that mercury is one of the prime triggers of autoimmune response (allergies). So it’s probably not the formula you’re allergic to, but the mercury itself – or more accurately the allergic cascade triggered by it.

  • Hi Sarah

    You need to discuss this with a doctor or other qualified health practitioner. If in doubt, refrain from taking whilst breastfeeding.

  • Hi, Is it safe for my baby if i am taking Metal Magic as i am breastfeeding. Thanks, sarah

  • I am extremely, extremely allergic to metal magic. I bought 5 bottles–have used most of one–would like my money back. I was in agony with itching, sores, and nodules for more than two weeks. Has not gone away yet. Itching and nodules. Terrible, Terrible.

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