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How Himplasia Can Help With An Enlarged Prostate


A remarkable supplement from India that has been found to be beneficial for men suffering from benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) an enlarged prostate, has recently been launched in the UK. The name of this new product is Himplasia and it contains a complex mix of traditional Ayurvedic (ancient Indian) herbs.

Enlargement of the prostate is something that most men aged 60 and over suffer from to some degree as your prostate naturally gets larger with age. Any enlargement of this gland automatically puts pressure on your urethra, which results in problems when you urinate such as increasing your need to urinate more frequently (especially as night), and then leaving you feeling like you haven’t emptied your bladder properly following each trip to the toilet this is known as fluid retention. In serious cases BPH can lead to impaired kidney function.

While conventional treatments for BPH can improve symptoms their one drawback is the harmful side-effects they cause. For example, the drug Finasteride helps reduce the size of the prostate over time but this action comes with a price as its adverse effects include impotence, decreased libido and testicle pain. Another BPH drug, terazosin, can cause palpitations, fainting, low blood pressure, nausea, sleepiness and blurred vision.

More radical conventional treatment involves an operation to remove some, or all, of the prostate. But the after effects of this type of surgery can be uncomfortable. Worse still, it can result in irreversible impotence.

Prostate size reduced by almost 22% after taking Himplasia tablets

Studies involving Himplasia were carried out as far back as 1999, when an animal study revealed how this herbal preparation is able to reverse prostate enlargement.1

This was followed soon after by a pilot study, which showed encouraging results in male patients suffering from BPH including improvements in urinary symptoms and reductions in the weight of the prostate.2

However, it was the full study carried out in 2001 that showed the most promising results.3 The study was carried out by researchers at the Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, in India and involved a group of 30 men between the ages of 50 and 80 with moderate to severe BPH.

The participants were given two Himplasia tablets to take twice a day for three months. None had taken conventional anti-BPH drugs during the previous three months and all had decided against prostate surgery.

The men had an average urinary symptom score of 29.5 at the beginning of the study. This was based on the American Urological Association (AUA) model this is a recognised system for rating the significance of urinary symptoms: scores 1-7 = mild; 8-19 = moderate; 20-35 = severe. Their AUA symptom value went from 29.5 to 12.33 by the end of the study indicating that their urinary symptoms had gone from being severe to moderate.

In addition, the average prostate weight went from 34.87g before the trial to 21.22g afterwards a reduction of 70 per cent. Plus the average prostate size was 69.81cc before the study and 63.66cc after a reduction of 21.5 per cent. Average urine retention was 136.9ml before the study and 73.33ml after a dramatic decrease showing a reduction in urine retention of more than 45 per cent.

The researchers concluded that short-term administration of Himplasia is safe, works rapidly and has a beneficial effect on BPH symptoms and overall quality of life.

What to take for best results

The recommended dosage for Himplasia is 1-2 tablets taken twice a day, for a period of three to six months. Contraindications: Research carried out so far has revealed no side-effects attached to Himplasias use. However, it is advised that you consult your practitioner before taking the supplement, especially if you are currently on any medication like diuretics.

These Herbs Have A Long History Of Traditional Use And Are Also Validated By Modern Research

Not only does research support the combined effect of the Ayurvedic herbs contained in Himplasia against BPH, but studies also show that individually they each have specific benefits of their own:

Tribulus terrestris has traditionally been used to reduce inflammation and improve urination the latter includes an ability to ease painful, burning sensations when urinating.4

Caesalpinia bonducella has also been found to exert a soothing, anti-inflammatory action, which makes it particularly beneficial for improving an enlarged prostate.5, 6

Areca catechu has traditionally been used as an aphrodisiac and to reduce an enlarged prostate.6

Asparagus racemosus helps relieve inflammation and improves urination including urine retention.4, 7

Crataeva nurvala has diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is good for maintaining the overall health of the urinary system helping to improve urine retention and prevent the formation of calculi, or stones, in the urinary tract.8

Iron and manganese oxides are mainly known for their heart-protective properties they help overcome cardiac weakness and palpitations.9

They also have a general tonic effect, which is beneficial for BPH sufferers who are often found to be in overall poor health.

Disclaimer: This article is part of the Daily Health's extensive research archive. The research and information contained in this article was accurate at the the time of publication but may have been updated since the date of publication. Consult our most recent articles for the latest research on alternative health and natural breakthroughs.

Bear in mind the material provided in this content is for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


1. Sundaram R, Mohan AR, Gopumamadhavan S, Venkataranganna MV, Venkatesha U, Seshadri SJ, Anturlikar SD, Mitra SK. Protective Effect of PR-2000 in Experimental Prostatic Hyperplasia in Rats. Asian J Androl, 1999, 4 (1): 175.

2. Lokesh U, Tripathi K. A Study of PR-2000 in the Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Phytotherapy, 2001, Res 15: 411-5.

3. Sahu M, Vijay Kumar V. Efficacy and Safety of a Herbal Preparation PR-2000 in the Treatment of Symptomatic Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. JAMA India The Physicians Update, 2001, 4 (12), 43-45.

4. Malhotra SC et al. Pharmacological Investigations of Certain Medicinal Plants and Compound Formulations used in Ayurveda and Siddha, CCRAS, 1996, 316.

5. Akhtar Husain et al. Dictionary of Indian Medicinal Plants, CIMAP, Lucknow, 1992, 91.

6. Chunekar KC and Pandey GS. Bhavaprakasa Nighantu, Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi, 1998, 353.

7. Akhtar Husain et al. Dictionary of Indian Medicinal Plants, CIMAP, Lucknow, 1992, 44.

8. Varalakshmi P, Shamila Y, Latha E. Effect of Crataeva nurvala in experimental urolithiasis. J Ethnopharmacol 1990 Mar; 28(3): 313-21.

9. Vaidya Y, Trikamji A, Rasamritam, 1998, Edn. 1, Pg. 155.

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    • As far as we are aware Himplasia is a herbal ayurvedic formulation that promotes optimum prostate health…


  • I started taking Himplasia and still continuing, also I am taking western medicine for cholestal and blood pressure too. Is it good to continue Himplasia with my western medicies. Thanks.

  • I am 53 year old and unfortunately I am suffering from BPH and UTI. Now I hane started to take Himplasia two tabs a day. If There is any side effect in terms of High Blood Pressure . If any body can help me.

  • In the recent screening I was told the right side of my prostate is enlarged. I read your information about “Himplasia”,and would like to be treated with this medication. Please tell me where I can buy this medicine, and whether this has any counter reaction with cholesterol medicine, blood pressure tablets and aspirin etc.

  • I am 67 years old Italian man. From the last 4 years I was told that I had hiperplasia.
    Since than gradually had various problems as it is known all the simptoms as descibed in any info. I have been using from last one month Himplasia – one tablet a day because since I am taking tablets for High blood pressure which contain an agent for urinating I am a bit apprehensive. Can you help Thanks

  • Will this medicine react with medicines for cholesterol, diabetic type two and baby aspirin? Does any one know?

  • Dear Sir,
    My father had prostate surgery around 6 years back, he was doing fine until 2 years but recently he is facing severe difficulty in passing the urine and its very painful with a feeling of not emptying the bladder completely. Can ayurveda solve the problem of my father?

  • A higher urine retention is understood to be good.However, with Himplasia, you the urine retention came down from 136.9ml to 73.33ml; should this not be considered as a side effect of the medicine?

  • Dear Dr.,

    My Dad is 70 Years Old. He is a patient of Bronchial Asthma, Spondalytis in Shoulder and other parts of the Body. He is also a patient of Blood Pressure. Now since 2006, he has Prostate Problem which is making him suffer the most.

    Prostate Problem

    1. He had severe problem in urination in 2006 (urine almost stopped) and finally after a number of consultation in Wochardt, a operation was done for his Prostate. In Medical terms, TURP was done in Wochardt Mumbai 2006. He was prescribed Catheterization and a large number of medicines for recovering. We initially thought Catheterization is a temporary phase. But, he has to use Catheters till today.

    2. Then later we came to know, with consultation with Dr. Chibber in Joslok, he has grown Obstructive Urethral Strictures in his urinary path.

    3. As urinary problem still continued, In Jan 2007 in MGM New Bombay, BNI (Scelerosis) was done.

    4. As Urinary problem again aroused in Nov. 2007 in Wochradt Kolkata, Systo-urethroscopy + Urethral Dilatation was done.

    5. As Urinary problem again aroused, Dilatation was redone in Agartala recently in June 2008.

    Now, as the Obstructive Urethral Strictures are creating problem for using the catheters and also leading to poor flow of urine, is there any solution for the above problem.

    He is also complaining of burning sensation in his legs and body, disbalance and weakness while walking, obstruction while pushing his Catheters in the Urinary track.

    If there is a solution, it will be a big relief for him and others who has the same problem.

    Thanks in advance.

    Best regards,
    Sushanta Bhattacharjee

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