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Plight For Better Funding For Alternative Cancer Treatments

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It just doesn’t seem as if we are going to get a slow introduction to this year! It’s not even the middle of January yet and already the downward spiral is taking a further steep slope. Never mind the recession and all it’s doom and gloom, Cancer seems to be out there right in the front-line grabbing headlines faster than the plummeting pound…

Since the beginning of this year I’ve seen the following cancer headlines:

· ‘Call for more brain cancer studies – 01/01/09

· ‘Save Daddy dying from bowel cancer’ – 09/01/09

· ‘Patrick Swayze talks about his battle with pancreatic cancer’ – 09/01/09

· ‘Mouthwash can raise oral cancer risk’ – 13/01/09

That’s four headlines about four different types of cancer in 13 days! It seems that we’re in for a bumpy ride in more than one way this year. Whilst I can perhaps still excuse the government for not finding clear answers to our economical prospects for 2009, I cannot excuse them in any way for not presenting solutions in fighting cancer and helping to prevent this disease form causing so much pain and suffering.

Why am I saying this?

Let’s look at the four cancer culprits mentioned in the headlines…

Brain cancer and pancreatic cancer

Research into brain cancer is one of the most underfunded, despite it being the biggest killer of people under the age of 40. Of course, we all know that once more funding is made available it will not be for research into alternative treatments for brain cancer… The usual story: More funding to support an already extortionate industry, driven by pharmaceutical companies and research studies to disprove alternatives that could be much more cost-effective and beneficial for patients.

At the moment the conventional treatments for brain cancer are radiation therapy, surgery and chemotherapy. But what are the alternatives?

This is not the first time and probably not the last time you will hear this from me: Vitamin C.

It has been studied, it has been proven and it has helped save lives! US researchers from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) reported results in the August 5, 2008, that high-dose injections of vitamin C, reduced tumour weight and growth rate by about 50 per cent of brain, ovarian, and pancreatic cancers, three of the deadliest of cancers.

Ever heard of the Budwig Diet? The Flaxseed (Linseed) oil diet was originally proposed by Dr. Johanna Budwig, a German biochemist and expert on fats and oils, in 1951. Dr. Budwig found that the blood of seriously ill cancer patients was deficient in certain important essential ingredients which included substances called phosphatides and lipoproteins. By simply eating a combination of just two natural foods (organic flax seed oil & cottage cheese) not only can it help to prevent cancer but in case after case it actually sent patients in to remission.

Dr. Budwig’s formula has been used therapeutically in Europe for prevention of: cancer, arteriosclerosis, strokes, cardiac infarction, stomach ulcers (normalizes gastric juices), Prostate (hyper topic), arthritis (exerts a favourable influence), eczema (assists all skin diseases), and even immune deficiencies.

Why can there not be more funding to explore these therapies, when all indications already show that patients are being treated successfully with both?

Bowel cancer and oral cancer

Probably the most upsetting story I’ve read was the one about the three-year-old boy who wrote a letter to Gordon Brown pleading for anti-cancer drugs which could help his dying father in a fight against bowel cancer.

The drugs in question is Erbitux which is not available on the NHS and costs £40 000 per treatment. Despite the fact that Mr. Blades (the boys’ father) responded exceptionally to the drug, he was denied funding and support because the drug watchdog NICE, said it did not represent ‘good value for money’.

There are so many things on so many levels which are just down right wrong with this story! Even though Erbitux is a mainstream cancer treatment (and we rarely support those), it has very little severe side effects and they are: nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, breathlessness, skin rashes and swelling of the tongue.

So to put it in plain English:

The drug works, it actually benefits the patient, and the side effects won’t do too much damage but yet it is being refused to a dying father because it is too expensive! NOT very NICE!

And the alternatives for saving a life are again much more affordable, less invasive and they work!

I am talking about, you guessed it, vitamin C therapy and another alternative therapy called Gerson therapy. Gerson therapy is one of the oldest and most popular alternative nutritional approaches to cancer treatment. The treatment aims to regulate the balance of sodium and potassium by water management, and to provide high doses of micronutrients by frequent consumption of juices from fresh organic fruits and vegetables.

There have been no clinical trials of the therapy in colorectal cancer, but anecdotal reports suggest that patients with even advanced colorectal cancer may survive longer than would be expected with any conventional treatment, with improvements in general health and well-being. Some cases have resulted in almost total tumour regression.

Here’s a few words to you Gordon Brown: Give us funding to prove these alternative therapies can and do work and let’s make it available to everyone who needs it.

The last cancer article just made me shake my head.

New research has shown that using mouthwash could increase risk of cancer by nine times! The simple facts about this article is: The ethanol in mouthwash is thought to allow cancer-causing substances to permeate the lining of the mouth.

Great. So, not only is conventional cancer treatment so extortionately expensive but now we are also being ‘fed’ cancer-causing substances. It just puts oral hygiene in a completely new category… We’ve not heard the last of this one, because manufacturers of leading mouthwashes are saying that the evidence is not enough to call for products to be removed from the shelves.

Solution: Try natural alternatives like Fennel mouthwash that is free from Fluoride, Triclosan, Sorbitol, Parabens, phthalates, artificial sweeteners, petrochemicals and colorants.

As always we will keep you informed about any new developments on the cancer-front. For the time being we urge you to share this article with your friends and family and invite them to join our community. Looking after our health is one thing we still have control over, so it makes perfect sense to stay well informed.

Below is a list of related articles regarding alternative treatments and preventative measures for cancer.

Your Lymphatic System Holds The Key To Lasting Good Health

The Most Promising Alternatives For Treating Cancer

Oily Fish Can Help Cut Colorectal Cancer Risk

Prevent Cancer with Raw Vegetables


‘Call for more brain cancer study’ published online 01/01/09, news.bbc.co.uk

‘Patrick Swayze talks about his battle with pancreatic cancer’, published online 08/01/09, sciam.com

‘Using mouthwash could increase risk of cancer by nine times, claim scientists’ published online 13/01/09, news.scotsman.com

‘Oral Health’ published online, umm.edu /oralhealth/cancer.htm

‘Budwig Diet’ published online, cancure.org/budwig_diet.htm

‘The Budwig Diet by Dr. Robert Willner, (author of The Cancer Solution), published online, whale.to/a/bud.html

‘Brain Caner’ published online, cancertutor.com

‘Vitamin C Injections Slow Pancreatic, Ovarian and Brain Cancer Growth’, published online, seniorjournal.com

‘Erbitux’ published online, cancerbackup.org.uk

‘Alternative treatments for bowel cancer’, published online, healthy.net

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  • What a fabulous and objective overview of our health industry’s response to malignancy!

    Congratulations – if only more medical personnel would acknowledge the limitations of conventional approaches.

    What are your thoughts on “HIFU” – high intensity focussed ultrasound?

    There are some promising results from Oxford, where the technique seems to have advantages over conventional surgery, and alternative tissue ablation strategies like laser and radio therapy.



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