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Slow Down Parkinson?s Disease Naturally?

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Parkinson’s disease is a condition that robs millions of people of their muscle control, balance, and even the ability to speak. One of the ways to combat the fast progression of the disease is through regular exercise that helps maintain and strengthen weakening muscles and increases mobility and flexibility of stiffening joints.

And now it turns out that a key antioxidant could also help slowdown the progression of this debilitating disease.

Simple and effective

You quickly realise you’re no longer fighting just a disease the moment your doctor gives you the dreaded diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease?

You’re fighting time, because once you fully realise that your Parkinson’s symptoms – the spasms, depression and sleeplessness – are only going to get worse, you know that every month, every day and every moment you have left on this earth is very precious.

Fortunately, it now seems that there may be a way to gain back two of the most important things for every Parkinson’s disease sufferer: time and hope.

A study, just published in JAMA Neurology, discovered a simple, natural supplement that could actually halt your Parkinson’s progression and give you back years of your life.

Better still, you can start taking this supplement TODAY.

In their study, the researchers asked 75 Parkinson’s patients with low levels of urate, to supplement with doses of inosine or placebo.

Urate is a key antioxidant that has previously been shown to help slow the onslaught of Parkinson’s.

Inosine is a key natural compound and it’s a vital ingredient your body needs to make urate.

The researchers found that patients who were supplementing with inosine saw remarkable increases in urate in their blood and cerebrospinal fluid – which acts as a cushion or buffer for the brain’s cortex, providing basic mechanical and immunological protection to the brain inside the skull.

And the researchers believe that if you can keep your urate levels healthy, you may be able to slow your Parkinson’s symptoms for months or even years.

Inosine supplements are available at most alternative health food stores, but be careful before you start tinkering with your urate levels on your own, because too much urate could cause kidney stones.

So, as always, speak to a doctor skilled in alternative medicine and ask him what the best course of action will is. The research on inosine continues to impress, and just a small dose a day could give you what you need most in your fight against Parkinson’s disease.

Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


Nutritional Supplement May Benefit Parkinson’s Patients (nlm.nih.gov/)

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  • I have suffered parkinson’s disease since 2014 my symptoms were mainly tremor, shaking and rigid muscles, I was given medications to slow down the progress of the disease. The side effects of these drugs can be horrible, but I don’t think going natural will have the same effect on slowing down the disease. Thanks for the info anyway. I will try some of this.


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