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5 Natural Ways To Help Curb Symptoms of COPD


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic lung disease that includes the conditions chronic bronchitis and emphysema – both of which can cause obstruction (narrowing) of the airways and they commonly occur together.

COPD affects around 3 million people in the UK and symptoms include chronic coughing and breathlessness, and sufferers are prone to chest infections. It is believed that smoking is the main culprit behind chronic obstructive pulmonary disease but air pollution and polluted work conditions can also play a part in causing the disease.

Protect against COPD naturally

At this time there is no cure for COPD and even though conventional treatments including inhalers, steroids, antibiotics and oxygen – bring some relief, they all come with potential risky side effects.

For example, steroid inhalers (especially if you are taking a high dose) can cause yeast infections in the back of your throat.

But the outlook for sufferers gets a bit bleaker:

  • People living in highly populated areas are all at risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  • Pollution aggravates the symptoms and causes flare ups.
  • COPD sufferers have a significantly higher risk of heart failure, especially when they use an inhaler to alleviate their symptoms.

Fortunately there are some steps you can take that have been shown to help alleviate COPD symptoms:

Strengthen your immunity: Taking a good multivitamin supplement and additional supplements of magnesium, vitamin C, Coenzyme Q10 and L-Carnitine will go a long way to help strengthen your natural defences.

Go herbal: Herbal solutions that have been shown to help keep COPD under control are Garlic, Liquorice, Indian Tobacco (Labelia), and Marshmallow.

The power of antioxidants: Targeting oxidative stress and inflammation – both high in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease sufferers ? with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents such as curcumin (a principal component of turmeric), resveratrol (a flavonoid found in red grapes) and green tea can help curb COPD.

Vegetables are king: Sulforaphane – found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli – is an antioxidant and stimulator of natural detoxifying enzymes. US researchers found that Sulforophane increases the activity of a gene (NRF2) that can protect the lungs against oxidative damage due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Exercise: Studies have shown that people with COPD who exercise regularly tend to improve their breathing, ease symptoms, and have a better quality of life.

We’ll keep you updated on any new research into this debilitating condition. In the meantime, if you want to help prevent COPD from developing and you’re a smoker, you should seriously consider giving up. COPD does occur in non-smokers; however the vast majority of sufferers smoke.

Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


Inhalers may up heart death risk published online 24 September 2008, news.bbc.co.uk

COPD alternative treatment by Dr. Ray Sahelian

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease published online, patient.co.uk

Natural cure for thick mucus in lungs of COPD patient published online 19 February 2007, home-remedies-for-you.com

Broccoli Compound Protects Against COPD Damage In Lungs published online 15 September 2008, medicalnewstoday.com

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  • COPD nearly destroyed my health and life! But a freewind of mine recommended Blackseed Oil and even though it tastes absolutely disgusting it helped me a lot. 2 teaspoons in the morning and 2 at night (be warned it tastes like crap). I believe it reduces inflammation and helps with cell repair. This is not a quick fix, because it took about three months before my symptoms cleared remarkably.

  • I was diagnosed of COPD in July 2014. I was on Albuterol Nebs and levalbuterol to ease the situation as i constantly go out of breath when talking or when walking, I was advised for Lung Volume reduction surgery (LVRS) because my both upper lobes of the lungs were affected. I did not have the surgery because I decided to go the natural route. My progress is low, but I do feel there has been an improvement. My advice: Never smoke and if you do stop right now!

  • I think my husband has this condition. It sounds like he is choking all the time. I will try some of your advice. Thank you and pray for Allah to bring healing.

  • I think a lot of people suffer from this, especially in cities where the pollution is so high. Thanks for the article.

  • Don’t smoke, exercise, eat well and healthy and get enough fresh air. That should stop this from happening to you.

  • Thanks for the tips. I think I might have copd – doctor can’t diagnose my problem. will try these to see if I get better. Thanks again.

  • I’ve struggled with COPD for years and doctors keep telling me that it is a condition that I will have for the rest of my life. I am going to try some of your recommendations.

  • Interesting article. I’ve had respiratory physiotherapy for my COPD and it helped a great deal. Someone also told me that lymphatic drainage will help remove the toxins and reduce inflammation, but I don’t know much about this area of health.

  • My son’s smoking has given him terrible breathing problems. He did not get a diagnosis for any thing from his docs. It sounds like he may have COPd. He stopped smoking 5 years ago and he breathes a lot better now. Still not 100 percent. Is all this stuff you talk about safe?

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