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Luffa Complex Provides Natural Allergy Relief


In the UK, 10 to 20 per cent of people suffer from the irritating symptoms of allergic rhinitis. These include sneezing attacks, itchy and watery eyes, and a runny or blocked nose. There are two different types of allergic rhinitis: non-seasonal allergic rhinitis and seasonal allergic rhinitis – better known as hay fever.

Non-seasonal allergic rhinitis is triggered by allergens such as animal hair, house dust, smoke, and car exhaust fumes. The more common seasonal allergic rhinitis is caused by an allergic reaction to tree, grass or plant pollen and occurs during the hayfever season, which normally lasts from spring until late summer and is at its worst between April and July.

So the arrival of a natural new product that is able to bring much-needed relief from the distressing symptoms of allergic rhinitis couldn’t come at a better time, particularly for hayfever sufferers. Luffa Complex is the name of this new formulation that is made up of seven different herbs and is available to take in tablet, tincture and nasal spray form.

Symptoms can improve by as much as 60 per cent with Luffa Complex

Two Dutch clinical studies carried out to assess the effects of Luffa Complex have shown impressive results. These were carried out by eight medical practitioners, including Dr MJM Gijbels and Dr CRE Purvis, at different practices in central and western regions of the Netherlands.

The first trial involved 41 patients with allergic complaints who were given Luffa Complex tablets. These were found to be effective in up to 75 per cent of the participants. The trial was carried out in the hayfever season from April to July. Most patients were hypersensitive to more than one type of allergy including pollen, certain animals and dust.

The results showed that there was a distinct improvement in 56.1 per cent of patients, a slight improvement in 19.5 per cent of patients and no improvement in 24.4 per cent of patients. The symptoms that were relieved included nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, itchy eyes, coughing, sore throat, breathing difficulty, wheezing, itchy skin and eczema.

A larger follow-up study was undertaken a year later, which involved 158 patients.

The results were similar to the original study in that 60 per cent of participants reported a distinct improvement. However, 34.8 per cent of patients experienced a slight improvement and only 8.2 per cent of patients said they had no improvement at all. There were no reports of side effects during either trial.

‘…the herbs completely prevented all of my usual hay fever-related symptoms’

One person who has benefited from Luffa Complex is Mr Daly, a Field Sales Manager from Glasgow, who had previously suffered from hayfever for years. He had tried many products – both natural and pharmaceutical – without much success.

Mr Daly was introduced to Luffa Complex tincture by Dr Tan, Medical Director of Bioforce at the Auchenkyle Clinic in Troon, Scotland, who advised him to take it before the hayfever season commenced.

‘I took Luffa several weeks before the dreaded time of year and then on and off throughout the high pollen months. Amazingly, I found that the herbs completely prevented all of my usual hay fever-related symptoms,’ he says.

Nowadays Mr Daly rarely experiences any symptoms during the hayfever season. He has been able to discontinue the Luffa Complex tincture and instead uses the Luffa nasal spray as and when required. (The tincture can be used both as a preventative before the symptoms start and when symptoms are present, whereas the nasal spray is used as a treatment rather than as a preventative.)

‘I keep a bottle of Luffa nasal spray in my briefcase just as a precaution,’ says Mr Daly, ‘and it gives me instant relief on the odd occasions that I feel I need to use a remedy.’

What to take for best results

For the relief of hayfever, Luffa Complex tablets or tincture is best taken one to two weeks before the onset of the allergy season and then throughout the pollen period. For non-seasonal allergic rhinitis, either product can be used on an ongoing basis. The nasal spray can be used when symptoms are present.

Luffa Complex tablets: Take 2 tablets 2 to 3 times a day, 15 minutes before meals.

Luffa Complex tincture: Take 20 drops 2 to 3 times a day in water. Each mouthful should be held in the mouth for at least a minute before swallowing. Luffa nasal spray: spray once into each nostril 3 to 5 times per day.

WARNING: You should be aware that when you first take Luffa Complex in any of the above forms, your symptoms may worsen for the first few days of use. If the response is severe, reduce the dose to half the suggested amount. As Luffa Complex tablets contain lactose (milk sugar), people with milk-related allergies/intolerances should opt for the tincture instead. The products are not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

The 7 Herbs In Luffa Complex Can Put A Stop To Itchy Eyes And Sneezing Fits

Formulated by Alfred Vogel, world-renowned Swiss naturopath, herbalist and author of The Nature Doctor, the seven herbs present in Luffa Complex were chosen based on their ability to alleviate the symptoms associated with allergic rhinitis. They include:

Sponge Cucumber (Luffa operculata) helps to relieve symptoms, including sneezing, nasal discharge and a blocked nose.

Khella (Ammi visnaga) has an antispasmodic effect on the bronchial muscles, which eases the symptoms of breathlessness that sometimes occurs in those with environmental allergies.

American Spikenard (Aralia racemosa) targets irritations of the larynx and trachea (windpipe) and helps reduce inflammation in the nose and bronchi.

Balloon Vine (Cardiospermum halicacabum) works to relieve allergies, particularly itchy skin reactions.

Heartseed (Larrea mexicana) is an anti-inflammatory, which helps reduce allergy symptoms such as itching and sneezing.

Thryallis (Galphimia glauca) has desensitising properties that reduce the body’s reaction to allergens (allergy-producing substances). It is useful in the treatment of hayfever, allergies and bronchial asthma.

Okoubaka (Okoubaka aubrevillei) is a detoxifying herb. It was added to the formula to gently cleanse and strengthen the body, and to enhance the action of the other six herbs.

Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


Helweg JH et al. Luffa Complex Study. Department of Laboratorium B.V. Elburg, January 1990.

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  • I am have suffered with hayfever since the age of 5. I am now currantly breast feeding and unsure if I can take luffa complex. Some websites say no and some say yes by consulting health professionals. I have been on a forum for mums and they say they have taken it. It sounds a good product and i would like something that is natural to relieve my symptoms.

  • Is there any contra indications with using Luffa with anti epeeptc & thyroxine meds which my 20yr old who has Downes Syndrome use daily?

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