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Lipitor: Media Reports On Latest Drug Study Without Checking The Facts First

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Something’s fishy.

Heart disease patients with high LDL levels stopped the progression of coronary plaque build up by using the cholesterol-lowering statin drug Lipitor, according to a study that made headline news recently. Another group of patients in the study took the statin drug Pravachol; in these subjects, plaque build up continued to progress.

This research was widely reported for two reasons: 1) Lipitor outperformed its rival Pravachol in lowering LDL, and 2) Lipitor was shown to stop the progression of coronary plaque aggregation.

Sounds like a pretty clear win for Lipitor, doesn’t it? Well… if you’re not looking too closely it does. Because between the perception and the reality of this study there are plenty of misconceptions. And what’s worse, one of the most sweeping comments about the study provides some medical advice that could border on being downright dangerous.

Nothing up my sleeve…

The Associated Press and several other major news outlets portrayed this study as the first time two different statin drugs have been tested against each other, ‘head-to-head’.

The Cleveland Clinic directed the research of more than 500 coronary heart disease (CHD) patients over a period of 18 months. Results of the study were announced at a meeting of the American Heart Association, and a full report has been submitted for publication. So for now we can only rely on media reports which, when read carefully, supply these two important pieces of information:

  • Pfizer, the maker of Lipitor, provided sponsorship of the study (according to the New York Times).
  • Patients in the Lipitor group received 80mg of the drug. Patients in the Pravachol group received 40mg of that drug.

If you tried stacking the deck like that in a casino they’d soon have you thrown out.

Holes you could drive a truck through

Here’s the lead sentence of the Pfizer press release about the study:

‘Patients taking Pfizer Inc’s cholesterol-lowering medicine Lipitor (atorvastatin calcium) experienced a significant reduction in the progression of atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, compared to patients who received Pravachol (pravastatin)… ‘

Many media reports simply picked up their information from that press release and faithfully reported the ‘results’. But kudos to the US Health Day News reporter who did some digging and interviewing and discovered that the study was specifically designed to produce two different outcomes so that the changing LDL levels of each group could be compared to changes (or lack of change) in arterial plaque. So the trial was not a ‘head-to-head’ statin showdown at all. It doesn’t take much to work out that 80-on-40 is not a level playing field.

Furthermore, the fact that Lipitor reduced plaque by 0.4 percent over a year and a half may not actually have any significance at all in terms of preventing deaths from CHD. Until long-term studies on mortality can be mounted, this slight plaque reduction is little more than a moot point.

Statins have also been shown to produce unhealthy side effects, such as liver and kidney dysfunction (according to Pfizer’s Lipitor web site). So when the study is eventually published, I hope we’ll see a genuinely comprehensive comparison of the side effects from taking high doses of Lipitor against low doses of Pravachol.

But don’t hold your breath.

Sinking to a new low

The lead author of the study, Dr. Steven Nissen (a cardiologist at the Cleveland Clinic) added a comment that reopens the debate over the proper level of LDL, the supposedly ‘bad’ cholesterol. Dr. Nissen told the Associated Press that the data seem to show that ‘There is no such thing as too low an LDL’. MSNBC picked up on that comment and ran this sub-head on the MSNBC web site: ‘New research indicates the lower the level of LDL the better’.

But prior research doesn’t support that claim. And that’s putting it mildly. Because when LDL is too low, the risk of death may actually increase.

I asked US HSI Panellist Dr Allan Spreen, to comment on this idea that ‘the lower the LDL the better’ and he pointed out this revealing result of the watershed Framingham Heart Study: ‘The largest, longest, and most prestigious heart disease study (Framingham) showed that total cholesterol levels (‘total’, now, mind you, they didn’t talk a whole lot about LDL) that went below 160 caused heart disease problems to go back up! So it’s a curve that bottoms out at 160 instead of a line that gets better and better as you get lower and lower.’

Dr. Spreen’s statement is confirmed by an article in Red Flags Weekly by Dr Malcolm Kendrick, which offers this quote about the Framingham results as published in the Journal of the American Medical Association: “There is a direct association between falling cholesterol levels over the first 14 years and mortality over the following 18 years.”

And from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute’s Honolulu Heart Programme (an ongoing study that began in 1965 with more than 8,000 men), Dr. Kendrick presents this quote as it appeared in the Lancet medical journal: ‘Our data accord with previous findings of increased mortality in elderly people with low serum cholesterol, and show that long-term persistence of low cholesterol concentration actually increases the risk of death.’

No such thing as too low? The lower the better?

It’s a shame that many heart patients will read about this study and take the lazy reporting of the mainstream news outlets at face value.

Disclaimer: This article is part of the Daily Health's extensive research archive. The research and information contained in this article was accurate at the the time of publication but may have been updated since the date of publication. Consult our most recent articles for the latest research on alternative health and natural breakthroughs.

Bear in mind the material provided in this content is for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


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  • I am a diabetic and have been taking Lipitor for years. I have recently read about statins’ side effect and am concerned. I have been having muscular pain for years and recently started getting spasm like muscular contractions in my neck. Is there a possibility this is due to statins side effect?

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