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Magnesium Could Help Lower Blood Pressure


According to a new study, if there’s one mineral you need to start taking today to help protect your heart then it is magnesium.

We’ve written about the health-protecting properties of magnesium many times before. These range from easing muscle aches and pains after exercise to helping control anxiety.

Taking the pressure off

Now, a recent meta-analysis of 34 clinical trials showed that supplementing with approximately 300mg of magnesium daily for three months could help lower both your systolic (the top number) and diastolic (the bottom number) blood pressure.

You see, the average healthy heart beats in excess of 100,000 times a day, circulating roughly 5 and a half litres of blood through your body every three minutes.

That’s a lot of blood pumping through your veins… In fact, in just one day, your blood travels 12,000 miles – the equivalent of halfway around the world.

But if you suffer with atherosclerosis – the hardening and narrowing of the arteries – pumping all that blood through your body becomes a lot more difficult… and it causes your blood pressure to skyrocket.

And this is where magnesium comes into the picture. This essential mineral plays a pivotal role in artery health. Previous studies have shown that a diet high in magnesium can help cut your risk of atherosclerosis by nearly 60 per cent.

If you do suffer with high blood pressure, then you can begin to follow a magnesium-rich diet by adding foods like shrimp, chicken, nuts, spinach and eggs to your diet.

However, diet alone will probably not give you the sufficient amount of magnesium you’ll need to help lower your blood pressure. Fortunately, oral supplements are easily available in most health food stores… but before you buy the first magnesium supplement you find it’s important to know that not all forms are created equal!

Organic salts of magnesium like lactate and gluconate are the most “bioavailable”, which means they are the best absorbed by your body.

Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


Magnesium Lowers Blood Pressure A Little,

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  • Amazing how Nature always provides an answer. Thnaks for the info. I’ll give Magnesium a try for my BP.


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