Treat Candida Successfully With Natural Remedies


Let’s have a quick recap on what we know so far about Candida.

Candida is a friendly yeast that lives in the large bowel, it feeds the good bacteria that help our bodies to stay healthy. If these good bacteria are compromised through the use of antibiotics, oral contraceptives, steroids or prolonged illness or stress, the digestive system becomes unbalanced and an individual can experience an overgrowth of Candida. The overgrowth leads to Candida becoming a parasitic fungus.

Given time, the fungal stage of Candida can even penetrate throughout the bowel wall, passing into the bloodstream and through the body. Once this happens, it can cause depression, listlessness, extreme fatigue during the day, and a ‘hung over’ feeling in the morning.

We’ve selected 4 excellent remedies and one alternative therapy which have shown to help Candida sufferers. Along with a food elimination diet (see the alert Candida: Which Foods to Avoid) and the correct foods to eat (see the alert Candida: How to Begin The Healing), using these remedies to cleanse your body from a Candida overgrowth will certainly put you on a road to speedy recovery.


Recent research has found Wormwood to be extremely potent against the Candida albicans fungal infection. Renowned medical herbalist, Gerald Green tried many well know anti-Candida remedies on his patients and found them all to be relatively ineffective compared with Wormwood. It helps strengthening the immune system from cell level up, which helps to overcome the primary cause of the Candida infestation fungal stage – a low and damaged immune system.

Wormwood capsules should be taken with water, three capsules twice a day for the first month, and three capsules daily for subsequent months.

Wormwood also:

  • Invigorates and stimulates the whole digestive process.
  • Helps with indigestion, when the cause is insufficient digestive juices.
  • Anti-parasitic
  • Anti-inflammatory

Wormwood treatment is 100 per cent natural, however a couple of days after starting treatment, most patients suffer from something called Herxheimers Syndrome. They feel exhausted, and some have headaches or other minor symptoms. This is caused by the rapid reduction of Candida. This only lasts 1-3 days, after which the patient suddenly feels a lot better, and will continue to improve quickly. Even though it is not pleasant, it is in effect a very good sign as it proves that the body is responding to treatment.

Olive Leaf Extract

Known as nature’s protector, Olive leaf extract is:

  • A natural, safe and effective alternative to antibiotics
  • Highly beneficial for all types of infection
  • A non-toxic way to strengthen immunity

US research at the Upjohn Company, published by the American Society for Microbiology, found that Olive leaf extract’s active components, elenol acid and calcium elenolate, inhibited the growth of every virus, bacteria, fungi and protozoa they were tested against and this included the Candida fungus.

Research conducted at the Robert Lyons Clinic in Budapest, Hungary demonstrated such positive results against a range of infections that Olive Leaf Extract is now used by the Hungarian Government as an official anti-infectious disease remedy. The study included over 500 patients suffering from a variety of conditions including tonsillitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, pulpitis, leukoplakia, stomatitis, herpes, bacterial skin infections and Helicobacter pylori, all of which responded extremely well to treatment with Olive Leaf Extract.

As increasing numbers of positive results using Olive Leaf Extract are reported, excitement grows about its application in many infectious conditions and in people with compromised immune systems.

Research indicates Olive Leaf Extract could be useful in conditions such as:

  • Chronic or recurrent viral or bacterial infections (eg. colds, flu, sore throat, etc.)
  • Candida, tinea, other yeast and fungal problems
  • Parasitic infestation.
  • Gut dysbiosis (leaky gut).
  • Compromised immune systems

Olive leaf extract should be taken 3 capsules daily (300mg), this can be increased to 3 capsules twice daily during times of extra need or when an acute infection occurs.

Colloidal Silver

Colloidal Silver is one of the oldest remedies and can be traced as far back as the ancient Greek and Roman Empires. It is non-toxic, non-addictive and free of side effects. It is thought to kill an average of 650 different organisms – compared to the 6 of a standard antibiotic! It is safe for adults, children, animals and pregnant and nursing women. It can be applied topically and internally and has no reaction with other medications.

Typical maintenance use 2-10 mls daily, i.e. one to four teaspoons (5mls). In times of need up to 25mls daily can be administered. In very serious health conditions, doses up to 500mls may be taken safely.

Some of the reported uses of colloidal silver are:

  • Acne, Arthritis, Athlete’s Foot
  • Bacterial infections, bladder infections
  • Candida Albicans, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Diabetes, diarrhoea
  • Eczema
  • Intestinal disorders
  • Prostate disorders
  • Salmonella infection, septic ulcers, sunburn
  • Yeast infections

Hydrogen peroxide therapy

Hydrogen peroxide (H202) is only one of the many components that help regulate the amount of oxygen getting to your cells. H20is required for the production of thyroid hormone and sexual hormones. It stimulates the production of interferon and dilates blood vessels in the heart and brain and it also improves glucose utilisation in diabetics. The closer you look at hydrogen peroxide, the less surprising it becomes that it can help such a wide variety of conditions.

So, you may ask how H20therapy will help Candida sufferers. The answer is very simple: H20works against all anaerobic organisms which use carbon dioxide (CO2) and these include all viruses, mutated Candida, gangrene and bacteria.

H20is of little benefit when taken orally since it must enter the bloodstream directly. It is infused into the circulatory system intravenously for approximately ninety-minutes during which time the H20spreads through the entire body reaching all cells. On the cellular level it kills, or severely inhibits the growth of, anaerobic organisms (bacteria and viruses that use carbon dioxide for fuel and leave oxygen as a by-product).

Conditions that can be treated with H20include all conditions which can be treated with antibiotics, but without the serious toxicity often associated with synthetic antibiotics. Some of these conditions are Candida (yeast), viral infections, influenza, the common cold, sinus infection, Epstein-Barr virus and gangrene.

H202 therapy is a specialised therapy and should only be considered in cases where the Candida infection seems to persist over a prolonged period of time. As always, we recommend that you speak to your doctor or natural health practitioner before adding any supplements to your diet. All the products mentioned in this alert (except H202) are easily available from health food stores or good online resources.

Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


‘Wormwood (Artemisia Absinthium)’ published online,

‘Olive Leaf Extract’ published online,

‘Colloidal Silver’ published online,

‘The Many Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide’ by Dr. David G. Williams, published online 17/06/03,

‘Hydrogen Peroxide Treatments’, published online,

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  • hi i am suffering from candida its killing me i am takeing asidofolus tablits and im not having i am having coconut oil does that work?

  • After years (35+) of conventional medicines and creams for jock itch an Indian Alternative Chemist put me on to Caprylic Acid Capsules that cured it up for me.

  • I had candida for 18 months a few years ago and tried every supplement and went on a strict diet but it wasn’t until I started taking oregano oil that it really cleared up.

  • These articles on candida are so helpful. Having suffered with it on and off for years this advice is very comprehensive and allowed me to make small changes that have led to success in reducing symptoms.

  • I have a 14 year old that has been diagnosed with chrons disease. I think he may have candida. Can anyone help me with what he should take as he is quite unwell and the doctors don’t listen to me.

  • I just must let you know that your notes on candida albums are the most informative and helpful I have come-across.
    My 22 yr old daughter has this condition – her GP tells her “there is no such thing” and offered no help whatsoever.
    we had retrieved some info online but yours was THE most comprehensive, full and incredibly useful (it is not always so helpful to be told what one CANNOT eat – your info was so much more than this).
    I alwys enjoy your emails, and must just add that I hope you can keep-up this good-work.
    very best wishes from Jackie, Greenwich, London UK

  • I have personally used olive leaf extraxt sucessfully on the following

    Bronchial infection (I was very ill and didn’t want to resort to antibiotics. This was the first time I’d taken this natural remedy and couldn’t believe how good it was. It took about 5 days to clear the infection (approximately the same time antibiotics would have taken) but I actually felt a little better within a few hours.) I was really pleased to think I’d cleared this infection using a natural product, whilst at the same time improving my immune system instead of obliterating it!

    tooth abcess (my dentist didn’t believe i’d had an abcess until she took an x ray!)

    coughs and colds

    sore throats

    Every time I feel myself coming down with something I take olive leaf and it never fails to stop the infection or virus in its tracks. My very sceptical sons now also ask me where it is as soon as they feel unwell.

    Thanks for your wonderful, informative e mails


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