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Andrographis paniculata boosts immunity and dissolves blood clots


During a recent herbalists seminar in London, a Swedish practitioner told the audience about the wide-ranging benefits of Andrographis paniculata, an annual plant that is widely used in both Sweden and Denmark during the winter months for fighting cold and flu symptoms. 

Andrographis paniculata is also highly prized for its medicinal properties in its native countries of India and China, where it grows to heights of 110cm in moist, shady places.

Ayurvedic (ancient Indian medicine) practitioners use it to treat a diverse range of problems everything from sore throats and flu to chest infections and liver problems. In China, andrographis is primarily used to prevent thrombosis (blood clots).

Scientists recently started investigating many of these remarkable medicinal claims and, so far, their research has uncovered some extremely promising results. 

Drug companies try to cash in on plants incredible cancer-fighting properties

Andrographis paniculata contains a rare plant chemical called andrographolide, which has been found to significantly boost the concentration of certain cancer-fighting cells called cytotoxic T lymphocytes.

These lymphocytes circulate in your blood stream and attack any cancerous cells that they encounter. Because andrographis has the ability to stimulate their activity, this means that your body becomes better protected against the disease.

In addition, andrographis paniculata increases the amount of other immune-protective chemicals, such as interleukin-2 and gamma-interferon, which help shield your organs against infection and cancer .

In fact, andrographis paniculata has been found to be so effective against cancer that drug companies have honed in on its profit potential and created synthetic versions of the plant for the purpose of developing cancer-fighting drugs.

In a research report published by the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra in Malaysia, scientists concluded that: Synthetic compounds (from andrographis paniculata) were found to be selective towards leukaemia, colon cancer cells, ovarian and renal cancer cells. Analysis indicated that the anti-cancer activities of these new class of compounds were not similar to that of standard anti-cancer agents, suggesting novel mechanisms of action.

Anti-inflammatory action helps reduce swelling and pain

Another active ingredient in andrographis paniculata is neoandrographolide. Research has revealed that it is also effective in the fight against cancer particularly cancers of the liver, stomach and bowel. Scientists recently found that both andrographolide and neoandrographolide are able to block certain enzymes (such as glucosidase) that are involved in the development of cancer.

Neoandrographolide also possesses another important health benefit one that could help sufferers of arthritis. Scientists from the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine discovered that neoandrographolide is an effective anti-inflammatory agent which helps reduce tissue swelling, pain and redness. 

Offers vital protection against strokes and heart attacks

As mentioned earlier, andrographis is a popular treatment in China for the prevention of thrombosis. Scientists from the Mahidol University in Thailand recently confirmed the plants potential in this area. They found that certain ingredients in the plant namely andrographolide and didehydroandrographolide help prevent premature clotting of the blood by stopping platelets from sticking together.

Normally your platelets (minuscule-sized fragments of organic material in your blood) become activated after a cut or an injury and clump together to seal the injured site and prevent bleeding. However, these platelets may become overactive and cause excessive and abnormal clotting in some people, which increases the risk of suffering a stroke or heart attack.

Aspirin helps prevent this abnormal clotting mechanism but can cause unpleasant side effects such as stomach upset, vomiting and nausea. The good news is that andrographis works in a similar way to aspirin but without the side effects. Commenting on their findings the researchers concluded: Our results indicate that the standardized andrographis paniculata extract may contain other anti-platelet compounds, which contribute to high anti-platelet activity. Therefore, the consumption of andrographis paniculata products may help to prevent or treat some cardiovascular disorders i.e. thrombosis.

Andrographis paniculata just as effective at promoting liver health as the popular herb silymarin

With regards to its liver-protecting abilities, andrographis paniculata was studied by scientists working at the Microbiology and Immunology Laboratory, Vidyasagar University in India. The scientists found that andrographolide is able to protect liver cells against alcohol-induced damage.

They compared the effects of andrographis paniculata with silymarin, a well known herbal liver protector from milk thistle, and found that the two are equally as effective at protecting the liver from the effects of excess alcohol. 

Plus andrographis benefits dont end there

Scientists have found that andrographis is able to fight infectious bugs such as salmonella, which can cause food poisoning. This is thought to be due to its immune-boosting properties, which help your cells identify and attack any infectious bugs in your bloodstream.

The very latest research findings have revealed the herbs effectiveness in another area against colds and flu. US scientists, from the Thorne Research centre in Dover, reviewed and analysed several different herbal remedies, including andrographis, for their ability to fight cold and flu symptoms.

Their research uncovered that andrographis in addition to echinacea (3,200mg once or twice a day), sambucus nigra (1 teaspoon of tincture three times a day), garlic (two raw garlic cloves, or 300mg three times a day), eleutherococcus senticosus (1,000mg a day) and olive leaf (500mg of standardized extract a day) significantly helps reduce cold and flu symptoms.

What to take for best results

The recommended dosage for andrographis is 400mg in capsule or tablet form taken twice a day for 7 to 10 days.

Contraindications: You should not take andrographis if you are on blood thinning medication, such as warfarin or heparin, as it may cause abnormal bleeding as both treatments reduce the clotting action of your blood.

Bear in mind all the material in this email alert is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


J. Altern Med Rev. 2007 Mar;12(1):25-48

Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol. 2007;29(1):81-93

J. Phytochemistry. 2007 Mar;68(6):904-12

Bioorg Med Chem. 2007 Jun 15;15(12):4247-55

Am J Chin Med. 2007;35(2):317-28

Eur J Pharmacol. 2006, 28;553(1-3):39-45

J Ethnopharmacol. 2007 Apr 20;111(1):13-21

J. Altern Med Rev. 2007 Mar;12(1):25-48

Int Immunopharmacol. 2007 Apr;7(4):515-23

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  • I am very aware of andrographis paniculata . I use to eat this plant leaves directly in raw state,it’s very bitter. It has excellent medical values it’s also used as aid for snake bite with combination of pepper and andrographis 1:3 ratio.

    I think it can also fight with swine flu.

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