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Combined with physical activity, optimum nutrition can help you to reach and maintain a healthy weight and reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases (like heart disease, diabetes and cancer).

Despite the fact that nutrition is one of the essential building blocks of a healthy body well into your old age, medical students receive less than 24 hours of nutrition training on average. It’s no wonder that dietary and nutritional guidelines continue to miss the mark when it comes to advising the public on what healthy foods to enjoy and which health-damaging foods to avoid.

Is saturated fat your enemy? Do you eat low-fat or full fat? What about artificial sweeteners, are they an ideal weight loss aid? The Daily Health aims to add some common sense to all the confusion.

Latest Articles in Nutrition


Mediterranean Diet Helps Keep Your Memory Sharp

If you still have no idea what your New Year's resolution is going to be, here's something that might point you in the right direction: The Mediterranean Diet. More and more resea...

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The Landmark Cancer Study You Probably Don’t Know About

If you follow the news then you'll know that 1 in every 2 people will be affected by cancer in some way in their lifetime... that's according to the latest statistics. I've been a...

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Is Gluten Sensitivity The Reason Why You Feel Sick?

Gluten has been all the rage for the past couple of years and you'll be forgiven if you are thinking that going gluten-free is just another diet fad, like living on nothing but cab...

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sugar tax, artificial sweeteners

Sugar Tax: The Controversy Continues

In March this year, former Chancellor George Osborne announced plans to push ahead with the controversial Sugar Tax – a tax levied on sugary drinks in an effort to help combat ob...

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The Potential Cancer Risk Lurking In Fizzy Drinks

4-Methylimidazole (4-Mel) is a compound that is formed in the manufacturing of caramel colouring, which is used in junk food products like fizzy drinks, and it is known to potentia...

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paleo, Atkins

The Cavemen’s Secret To A Disease-Free Life

Let's face it, gone are the days when we ate only raw, fresh and whole foods – like our ancestors and the cavemen did – better known today as the Paleo Diet. However, factory-...

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