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Folligro – A Natural Remedy That Can Help Prevent Hair Loss


It is normal to lose a certain amount of hair each day – anywhere between 50 and 100 strands. However, if this process starts to accelerate, hair thinning or bald patches can result. Hair loss is a problem that can strike both men and women and it can have a devastating effect upon confidence and self-esteem.

In desperation, many sufferers turn to one or more of the numerous so-called ‘miraculous’ products available on the market, that claim to herald a cure for baldness and reverse hair loss. Unfortunately these claims are based on empty promises, which can leave sufferers out of pocket and angry at being duped. Let’s face it, if such a miraculous cure had been found you’d soon know about it, as it would make headline news.

So, is there anything that can help? Well, a new product called Folligro certainly appears to. Available in both capsule and oral spray form, which are intended to be used alongside each other for full benefits, Folligro is a natural remedy that has recently been launched in the UK. Whilst it certainly won’t completely restore your hair to its former glory, research has found that it can help prevent further hair loss.

What causes hair to fall out?

Hair loss can be caused by a number of factors including genes, hormone imbalances, nutrient deficiencies such as B vitamins (which are essential for hair health), excess protein, chronic stress, certain medications (such as aspirin and Warfarin), infections, and medical conditions such as hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid).

The most common cause of hair loss in men is known as androgenetic alopecia or male pattern baldness. Although the disorder is thought to be influenced in part by genes, it is also strongly associated with certain hormone imbalances. As men age, the hormone testosterone becomes converted into a more potent form called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This conversion process is promoted by an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase.

High levels of DHT prevent an adequate supply of nutrients from reaching the scalp, which eventually results in hair thinning and the characteristic male U-shaped pattern of hair loss. Many men with male pattern baldness have been found to have high levels of DHT in their skin.

For women, hormonal-related hair thinning often occurs after the menopause. This is due to a reduction in the hormone oestrogen, which causes testosterone to become more readily available. This increase in testosterone levels produces a similar effect in the hair follicles as it does in men. However, as a woman’s testosterone level is still much lower than a man’s, less DHT is formed, which means that hair loss normally occurs over a wider area of the scalp and seldom causes actual bald spots to develop.

Folligro can help prevent further hair loss from occurring in both men and women

As already mentioned, Folligro capsules and Biospray have been specifically developed to be used in conjunction with each other, and are based on a herbal concoction of fenugreek, B vitamins and the herb saw palmetto. All of these natural substances have been found to help reduce the amount of hair being shed from the scalp.

The discovery that fenugreek helps encourage stronger, fuller hair came about accidentally, after a German painter used fenugreek seeds to treat his bronchitis. After several months he noticed that besides clearing his chest, his hair had also begun to improve and even re-grow in some places.

This information was passed on to Finnish scientists who encapsulated the herb. Fenugreek is thought to work by increasing the dilation of blood vessels to the scalp, thereby improving blood circulation and nutrient supply to this area. B vitamins were added to the formula, as deficiencies in these nutrients have been linked to hair loss.

To complement the treatment, an oral spray based on saw palmetto was developed. Saw palmetto has been found to help prevent hair loss by lowering levels of dihydrotestosterone – the more potent form of testosterone – in the body.1

Laboratory studies have also found that saw palmetto is partly able to inhibit the action of 5-alpha-reductase – the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone to dihydrotestosterone.2

Preliminary research findings involving Folligro are extremely promising

In 2000, a double-blind study was carried out at the Helsinki Hair Academy in Finland, led by hair loss specialist Annikki Hagros-Koski. The six-month study involved 100 men and women aged between 20 and 70 years of age, all of whom were suffering from hormonal-related hair loss that had been present for between 2 and 40 years.

Half of the participants took one Folligro tablet a day in addition to the Folligro Biospray, which was sprayed into the mouth once in the morning and once in the evening. The other half of the participants received a placebo. At the beginning of the study photographs and videos shots of the subjects were taken, and bald patches were measured. After six months these tests were repeated.

The results were very encouraging. Eighty per cent of the male participants who took Folligro experienced moderate to good improvements in hair growth at the end of the study. Their age and how long they had suffered from hair loss did not seem to affect the results. Amongst the female participants, 60 per cent experienced similar improvements.3

How to achieve the best results

It is recommended that one Folligro capsule should be taken once a day in conjunction with Folligro Biospray, which should be sprayed under the tongue twice a day. They should be used for a minimum of six months and can be continued indefinitely for maintenance. Folligro shampoo and hair tonic are also available (follow the directions given on the label).

1. Di Silverio F, Monti S, Sciarra A, et al. Effects of long-term treatment with Serenoa repens (Permixon) on the concentrations and regional distribution of androgens and epidermal growth factor in benign prostatic hyperplasia. Prostate 1998;37:77-83.
2. Strauch G, Perles P, Vergult G, et al. Comparison of finasteride (Proscar) and Serenoa repens (Permixon) in the inhibition of 5-alpha reductase in healthy male volunteers. Eur Urol 1994;26:247-52.
3. Hagros-Koski, Annikki. A report on the use of Arcon Biospray and Arcon Tisane. 2000.

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  • I agree with Daniel’s comment, but have also found that the best way to figure out which specific hair restoration remedy is best for you comes from talking to a specialist. I’d highly recommend Dr. Roger Mixter in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

  • Fenugreek should cause an increase in free testorone because to work it should inhibit its transformation into the Di Hydro version which is what causes hair to fall out in men at least.

  • Fenugreek has been known to increase testosterone in males which is why some weightlifters take similar compounds which include fenugreek extract. As you know increased testosterone levels will cause your hair to fallout. Based on this and experience I would say this will actually cause your hair to thin faster…Fail !

  • I prefer natural remedies, for they are good on skin or scalp and do not have any side effects.

  • Natural remedies are best of all, as they do not carry any side effects. Thats the reason why I prefer using them.

  • Natural remedies are definitely good, as they do not carry any side effects. Thanks for the suggestions for hair loss.


  • I hope this product works. Because I have used ervamatin more than 6 month,and my hear still fall out. I need a product that can help me, because I’m 28. I began to lose my hear at 19. Really, I hope this works.


  • This product DOES work. Interesting, though, because I have stick straight hair, I now how new locks of curly hair around my face. I kind of like it.

  • I have used folligro products intermittently and have noticed darker hair growth on my face and increased growth on my legs so am pretty sure it works. As for my scalp it is obviously more difficult to see the results – pity the product doesn’t just work on the scalp!

  • I have used Folligro for three months and feel the results are extremely disappointing. I didn’t expect miracles, but I did expect to see a reduction in hair loss. This product has had absolutely no effect. I cannot afford to invest in something that shows no results after three months. I feel I have given it a fair shot and would conclude that it is not effective at all.

  • Please tell me if i use the folligro for 3 month then can we see any result or changes?

  • I would like to order Foligro but can’t see a link to make the order. Please advise.

    Many thanks

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