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Electromagnetic Field Pollution: Is Your Home A Cancer Trap?

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Only in recent, years have governments around the world finally accepted that global warming is a real threat to humankind. However, it may take a few decades more before industries and governments also accept the threat and health risks associated with electromagnetic field (EMF) pollution.

And when that finally happens, it may very well be too late. That’s because today, with the arrival of mobile phones, phone towers and Wi-Fi, the amount of electromagnetic frequencies bombarding us is higher than ever ? exposing the average person to over 100 million times more radiation than their grandparents.

Environmental cancer risk

While the debate about whether mobile phones can cause cancer is ongoing, worrying research findings from the World Health Organization (WHO) warn of a direct link between cancer and heavy mobile phone use.

A global research team, commissioned by the WHO, studied 5,000 men and women from 13 countries who all had brain tumours, as well as a similar number of healthy people, all of whom were interviewed about their phone habits.

The results of the study, published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, showed that just half an hour a day on a mobile phone can increase a person’s risk of brain cancer by up to 40 per cent.

Participants who were categorized as “heavy users” were in greater danger of developing malignant glioma tumours, which account for half of all brain tumours in the UK. The frequent users were also more likely to suffer a tumour on the same side of their brain to the ear they used for phone calls.

Recently, we reported on this study and we also mentioned how radiation surge meters can tell you how much radiation (from electronic and Wi-Fi equipment) is present in your home.

Commenting on the article, one of our readers wrote: “I found in my home, sitting at my desk with my computer on the right side and other electric equipment in the room that the reading on the surge meter was over 900, compared with a safe reading that should be below 30…

There is no doubt in my mind that the electrical radiation with which the world is now surrounded by is the cause of much of the illnesses we are now seeing in this country…

I’m afraid we’re going to see an epidemic of disease in the younger generation as a result of electromagnetic field pollution…” ? Dr. N. Allen

Perhaps the most striking thing about this letter is the fact that it came from a doctor…

Look at the evidence slowly mounting and the personal observations of many people, it’s no wonder that some scientists are now labelling electromagnetic field pollution as ‘the hidden sickness’, linking it to everything from headaches, insomnia and fatigue to depression and yes, even cancer.

Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


The International Journal of Epidemiology, published online, 17 May 2010 

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  • There’s no escaping the health impact of our modern lives. If it’s not the processed food we eat – and almost everything we buy in a grocery store is processed – then it is the devices in our homes. What are we doing to ourselves?

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