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Ashwagandha Soothes Away Stubborn Joint Pain

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Ashwagandha (also known as Indian ginseng) is well-known for its immune-boosting properties and have also been shown to help improve thyroid function and fight fatigue.

In two different studies, ashwagandha was also shown to make cancer tumours more sensitive to radiation therapy. And in an animal study this powerful herb demonstrated how it can may help prevent two harsh side effects of chemotherapy: the weakening of bone marrow and the abnormal decrease of white blood cells.

Now there’s one more health benefit this humble herb can add to its list: soothing joint pain.

Away with creaks, pops and pains

Indian researchers recently completed a study that proved once again how ashwagandha, a traditional cure that’s been used for thousands of years, fights inflammation and relieves nagging pain. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis spent weeks on a traditional Ayurvedic treatment plan that included 5 grams of ashwagandha, twice a day.

Most of the participants who took ashwagandha reported that their pain levels and swelling plummeted, and their mobility also improved. Plus, they had lower levels of a key antibody linked to the worst rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.

The study was part of a growing movement in India to use modern research methods to put traditional Ayurvedic medicines like ashwagandha to the test.

This wasn’t the first study to show the pain-relieving power of ashwagandha. In another study, three out of every four rheumatoid arthritis patients who took 3 grams of ashwagandha three times a day showed a significant improvement in their symptoms.

Plus, ashwagandha has been proven to relieve anxiety, increase energy by supporting your adrenals, and even blast away plaques linked to Alzheimer’s.

The word ashwagandha means “strong as a horse,” and it looks like it can help keep you healthy as one, too.

If you’ve been putting up with aching joints or just want to feel sharper and more energetic put this ancient Indian herb to work for a few weeks. The secret to feeling young again just may be one of the oldest remedies on the planet.

Bear in mind all the material in this email alert is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


Study: Ashwagandha herb reverses Alzheimer’s disease, digitaljournal.com

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