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Swine Flu Vaccine Narcolepsy Sufferer Wrapped In Legal Battle


When the Swine Flu ‘pandemic’ of 2009 happened, we warned our readers that it was nothing more than a strategy from governments across the globe to push stock of the Tamiflu anti-viral drug that was nearing its expiry date.

Back then, we were accused of being ‘conspiracists’… However, nothing came of this so-called pandemic and far fewer people died from the Swine Flu virus than those dying of ordinary flu annually.

To make matters worse, the fast-tracked and untested Pandemrix flu vaccine was released onto the market in record time and given to six million people in the UK and 30 million across Europe. It was pushed as the ‘only safeguard’ against Swine Flu.

Again we warned our readers that an untested vaccine could spell danger… especially when given to children. This time around, we were accused of scaremongering.

When it hits the fan…

Then, nearly a year and a half after the Swine Flu hoax, reports of adverse effects from the vaccine began to surface. So much so that the World Health Organisation (WHO) — the organisation who started the whole pandemic debacle — requested further investigations after reports of cases of narcolepsy linked to the Pandemrix vaccine started to flood in.

Back then, a Finnish report found that children aged 4 to 19 were at nine times greater risk of contracting narcolepsy within eight months of being inoculated with Pandemix, compared with those who did not get the jab. As expected, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) — the manufacturers of Pandemrix — denied that the link existed and maintained that their vaccine was safe.

That was in 2011. Step forward to 2013. After mounting pressure GSK finally admitted that it had details of around 900 people from 14 countries who received the vaccine and developed narcolepsy. In 2014, the link between narcolepsy and Pandemix was finally confirmed by Irish researchers. Commenting on the results, the researchers said: “Our study found a significant, 13.9-fold higher, risk of narcolepsy in children/adolescents vaccinated in Ireland with Pandemrix compared with unvaccinated children/adolescents”.

To date, more than 1,500 cases of narcolepsy linked to Pandemrix are registered in the EU, of which approximately 94 are based in the UK. So far, only two sufferers in the UK have been compensated — Josh Hadfield, 10 years old, and nursery nurse Katie Clack, 23 years old. Katie’s award was posthumous after she took her own life as a result of the condition.

However, a third claimant — only known as John — is being denied compensation by the UK’s Department for Work and Pensions, because it is of the opinion that John’s disabilities are not severe enough to pass the 60 per cent threshold to trigger a pay-out… That’s despite the fact, that a 2015 Upper Tribunal ruling awarded £120,000 to John, who has suffered with narcolepsy since he received Pandemrix aged seven.

At the time, the then-work and pensions secretary, Iain Duncan Smith, had accepted that the vaccine caused the incurable daytime sleep disorder John is suffering from. John’s case has now been brought to The Court of Appeal in the hope that it will force the Department for Work and Pensions to pay out his compensation…

However, there is one ridiculous caveat: The Court of Appeal will only measure John’s level of disability against another child of that age, and will exclude the impact the disability will have later in his life as an adult.

Keep in mind narcolepsy is a condition that affects sufferers for their entire lives…

Surely John should be compensated for the fact that he will have to live with the condition forever!

Or is it possible that The Court of Appeal is well aware of the fact that if it overturns the Department for Work and Pension’s decision, the ruling could trigger further civil claims against GSK?

This, without a doubt, could open an entire new hornet’s nest for the government and the pharmaceutical giant. And they wouldn’t want that, would they?

Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


Sleep disorder sufferers await ruling over role of swine flu jab, published 23.01.17, standard.co.uk

Study confirms swine flu vaccine and narcolepsy link in Ireland, published online 03.05.2014

Panel Confirms H1N1 Vaccine Link with Narcolepsy, published online 01.02.11, yle.fi/uutiset/news

Government accepts swine flu vaccine caused narcolepsy in children reveals Hodge Jones & Allen, published online 20.09.13, hja.net

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