Folinic Acid Boosts Your Levels Of Serotonin


You’ll probably be familiar with the benefits of folic acid. In the past, we told you how this vital nutrient can help you maintain good health  – most recently we told you about its ability to lower levels of a chemical called homocysteine, which is associated with heart disease.

Numerous studies have also confirmed the important role it plays in pregnancy too, in preventing neural tube defects such as spina bifida in unborn children and in protecting against pregnancy-related anaemia.

The latest discovery relating to this essential nutrient has uncovered a new activated form of folic acid  – folinic acid  – which may help fight neuropsychiatric illnesses such as depression, memory loss and even dementia.1

Is your health suffering from a folic acid deficiency?

Folic acid occurs naturally as a complex of related substances called folates, found in sprouts, Brewers’ yeast, liver and kidney.

However, levels are soon diminished following cooking and processing. And since most of us do not consume enough folate-rich foods, experts believe that many of us are suffering from a folic acid deficiency.

Furthermore, studies in healthy human participants show that folic acid is poorly absorbed from the diet anyway, which results in very little of the metabolically active form, methylfolate, being produced.

Folic acid undergoes a series of complicated vitamin and energy-dependent changes in your body, between your intestine and liver, before it is converted to its active form, methylfolate.

A break in any one of these processes resulting from dietary deficiency, malabsorption, liver disease or pregnancy, can soon lead to low levels of methylfolate in your brain.

Now, new research suggests that neuropsychiatric symptoms like dementia, insomnia, irritability, forgetfulness, depression, and even schizophrenia may result.
Folinic acid, taken as calcium folinate, is a far more potent form of folic acid

Once a folic acid deficiency has precipitated mental illness, then it may remain unresponsive to regular oral supplementation with folic acid. Injections are often the only alternative, but intravenous administration has its limitations because the body often eliminates the vitamin in this form very quickly.

The new form of dietary folate is about to change all that. Folinic acid, available supplementally as oral calcium folinate, supplies a ready-made precursor to areas of the brain where it is lacking, for rapid conversion to methylfolate.

Studies show that, when combined with conventional drugs, folinic acid significantly improves the clinical recovery of depressed patients with low folate levels.2

In a study of 123 patients with acute psychiatric disorders, such as depression and schizophrenia with borderline folate deficiency, six months of adjunctive treatment with folinic acid resulted in a significant clinical improvement when compared with conventional drugs alone.3

Folinic acid’s antidepressant effect is due to its ability to regenerate a brain chemical called SAMe. This in turn directly bolsters the brain’s ‘sunshine chemical’ serotonin, which increases your feelings of overall well-being and lifts your mood.

Epileptic patients may also benefit from supplementing with folinic acid. German studies show that those patients with low folate levels are more likely to have an abnormal mental status, but that folinic acid administration can improve mental well-being, cognitive ability and even reduce the duration of epileptic seizures.4

Therapeutic dosages vary between 400 and 800mcg per day. Side-effects are rare but at high doses it can cause flatulence and nausea.

Disclaimer: This article is part of the Daily Health's extensive research archive. The research and information contained in this article was accurate at the the time of publication but may have been updated since the date of publication. Consult our most recent articles for the latest research on alternative health and natural breakthroughs.

Bear in mind the material provided in this content is for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


1. Folates: Supplemental Forms and Therpeutic Applications by Gregory S. Kelly N.D

2. Wesson VA, Levitt AJ, Joffe RT. Change in folate status with antidepressant treatment. Psychiatry Res 1994;53:313-322.

3. Godfrey PS, Toone BK, Carney MW, et al. Enhancement of recovery from psychiatric illness by methylfolate. Lancet 1990;336:392-395.

4. Froscher W, Maier V, Laage M, Wolfersdorf M, Straub R, Rothmeier J, Steinert T, Fiaux A, Frank U, Grupp D. Folate deficiency, anticonvulsant drugs, and psychiatric morbidity. Clin Neuropharmacol 1995 Apr;18(2):165-82

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  • I have been taking Folinic Acid for about 4 months. I buy it over the counter (no prescription required) from my Chemist in Australia. Just make sure they don’t misunderstand and try to sell you Folic Acid! I take it because tests showed a deficiency.

  • Hi Savita I dont know if it is in UK yet but try they are very good value and postage to UK is only $4. No customs as long as order under £18. I got the Source Naturals Folinic Acid from them.

  • I have been using Folinic Acid for 2 years to reduce side effects of methotrexate and predistolone I take for RA. I’ve got it from the US but will be in the UK soon and badly need to find it. Has anyone discovered where in the UK one can buy it?

  • Wow, this is great stuff, I have been using it for 10 days – I also take maximum dose of Effexor. I lost 5kg (abt 11 pounds) since, my diabetes is now a problem because of the high amount insulin I am taking, I must quickly reduce my dose. Also, I feel like a new person, I have been Chronically depressed for 15 years, I am a different person, I feel like a huge eight has been lifted off of me. I recommend anyone to have the test and see if you have the defective gene – then and only then can you take this supplement. my doctor doesn’t know what it is, so check with them.

  • I got mine today at gateways success from a natropath. Very much recommended. Most naturopaths can give it but most require a blood test first.

  • I have just obtained Folinic Acid from a chemist in Loganholme.I just asked and they knew what I meant as couldn’t remember the correct name.I wanted to know how it helps weight loss?

  • I bought Folinic Acid across the counter at my local Chemist in Southport, Qld. I’ve only been using it for 2 days, so cannot comment on any benefits yet.

  • I live in South Australia and are interested in using Folinic Acid to aid in weight loss reduction , could you please tell me where i can purchase it from and the best brand to take thank you

  • I have also been told about Folinic acid being beneficial for treating depression and also assisting with weight reduction…
    I was under the impression that it could only be prescribed by a GP? Is this the case?

  • In Australia I bought this product from my local healthy life stores. They had to order it in but were happy to do so.

  • I seen a segment on Today Tonight on Channel 7 last week that said Folinic Acid was beneficial for sufferers of depression and could also help in heart disease. Could you tell me how I would go about checking this out

  • A recent Australian study using Folinic Acid supplement has shown tremendous weight loss benefits for >5,000 persons with specific genetic overweight problems, enabling them to lose weight more easily…

  • Dear Sirs, I suffer Multiple Sclerosis and depression. I get sick of taking heaps of medication. Would folonic acid help me? I am also looking into colostrum suppliments.
    kind regards Samantha SA

  • Dear Sirs, I suffer from severe depression and have been taking 40mg Paroxetine and have also used fluvoxamine maleate 100mg. Both have nasty side effects and I was told that folinic acid would be much more beneficial. Where can I get it in Australia

  • is there a kirkman’s distributor in the uk? if you can find one, kirkman’s is one of the best (in my opinion) supplements company out there. get folinic acid with B12 dietary supplement.

  • Dear Sirs,

    I suffer from depression and the drugs lithium and mirtazapine dont help.

    I have been told that folinic acid might help but where can I buy it in the UK.

    Thanks for your help.

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