How To Improve Your Kidney Function


A regular reader named Ron asks: Is there any remedy for loss of some kidney function? What supplements help kidney health?

Needless to say, kidney malfunction is a very serious health condition, so I assume that Ron is under a doctor’s care. And Ron’s first question should only be fielded by a physician who understands the cause of Ron’s kidney problem, how long the condition has been present, family medical history and other important variables.

The second question is somewhat simpler.

First defences

Albumin is a protein that transports various substances in the bloodstream. When too much albumin is excreted in the urine, its a clear sign that the kidneys may be in trouble. Some time ago, I told you about a study that showed how regular intake of vitamins C and E may help lower albumin excretion rate (AER).

A low-protein diet is also recommended to protect at- risk kidneys. And although kidney stones are not necessarily indicative of kidney disease, research shows that a low-protein, low-salt diet offers better protection against kidney stones than the traditionally recommended low-calcium diet. Managing blood sugar levels and blood pressure is also crucial.

A sea-food cocktail

Previously, a reader whose mother had chronic kidney failure asked alternative health specialist Dr Jonathan V. Wright, about using a supplement called chitosan (widely available from health-food shops).

Dr Wright: Chitosan is most popular for its effectiveness as a weight-control supplement. It is extracted from the shells of crustaceans, such as shrimps and crabs, which means that if your mother has an allergy to shellfish, its not an option for her.

If not, however, she may want to consider it. A study published a few years ago clearly showed a benefit to dialysis patients who took chitosan. Half of the 80 study participants took 1,450 milligrams of chitosan, three times daily for 12 weeks; the other half didn’t take any chitosan. After the study period, researchers reported that the patients who took chitosan reported less fatigue and shortness of breath, and improvements in appetite, sleep and feelings of physical strength.
Their kidney function also appeared better, and they suffered from less severe anemia a common problem in those with chronic kidney failure. And there were no significant side effects reported.

One word of caution: Alternative health expert Dr Allan Spreen tells me that chitosan blocks absorption of fat in the intestines, so extended use may also block intake of essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins. So before using chitosan, Ron should consult his doctor.

Disclaimer: This article is part of the Daily Health's extensive research archive. The research and information contained in this article was accurate at the the time of publication but may have been updated since the date of publication. Consult our most recent articles for the latest research on alternative health and natural breakthroughs.

Bear in mind the material provided in this content is for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.

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  • In order to increase kidney function eat healthier. How would you describe your body type? I would assume potentially on the larger side, as someone who eats healthy wouldn’t necessarily ask. Take exact advice from your GP, if they say lose weight do so, you may find your diabetes goes with healthier foods. No bacon, sausages or eggs, no salt or sugar. American scientists believe a vegan diet will assist, through research the vegans disposed of diabetes completely.

  • I have type 2 diabetes controlled by diet. I am following a low carbohydrate medium fat but high protein diet. This seems to be working as my 3 month blood test was 5.8. But I have been told I have Chronic kidney disease (CKD). My kidneys are only working at approx 80%. I have 6 monthly blood tests for this. What should I change in my diet ,or take to improve the kidney function. I have Enalpril for blood pressure. My Cholesterol is 6.5 . But my triglycerides are high.

  • When I eat my food causes cramps in my bowles. Not even the pills I take are digesting it simply passes through my system. I constantly have diarrhoea.

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