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Just How Far Has Cancer Research Really Progressed?

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Thousands of people are being diagnosed with cancer every year… and yet, despite all the money that’s being pumped into the cancer industry we are yet to see a mainstream cure on the horizon.

The emphasis is always on chemotherapy… There is rarely any mention of preventative measures or natural alternatives.

Just chemo!… And so we are all conditioned to firstly believe there is no hope of escaping cancer and secondly that chemotherapy is our ONLY option for survival.

Of course none of this is true… well, it is for the cancer industry. But it shouldn’t be for you and me.

When will it happen… if ever

Since the Cancer Act came to life in 1939, legal clamps and gags have been preventing anyone even hinting at the possibility of natural ways to fight cancer. Yes, the search to find a cure is being promoted and money is raised left, right and centre to fund new research, but it sometimes seems like this is mainly boosting and benefiting the pharmaceutical industry.

And when you look at the results of a shocking new report then all this research (and money raised by the public) has come to very little.

Investigative reporters from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel recently concluded an analysis of 54 cancer drugs that have been approved over the past decade. In 74 per cent of cases, there was no proof these drugs would add a day to your life.

It’s all because the drug companies are in such a hurry to bring their new sickening medications to market ? and to get a return on their research ‘investments’. These billion-pound corporations aren’t about to wait months (or even years) to see what eventually becomes of research volunteers taking their drugs.

So they use other, short-term measures instead ? like proof that their drugs shrink tumours.

Now shrinking a tumour sounds pretty good, right? But the fact is, tumours stop growing, shrink, and appear somewhere else all the time ? it’s not an accurate way to determine whether a cancer treatment is working or not.

In fact, one kidney cancer drug ? Inlyta ? was approved because patients’ tumours were supposedly not getting worse. But years later, the rest of the data surfaced ? and we learned that Inlyta wasn’t extending patients’ lives.

A top cancer doctor at Memorial Sloan Kettering actually admitted, “We’re paying top dollar for drugs that do very little.”

But that’s not true ? these drugs do plenty. They give too many cancer patients a miserable, side-effect laden last few months of life? and worst of all, they can give them false hope.

And that’s it.

Before you sign yourself up ? or someone you love ? for any cancer therapy, ask your doctor for proof that the drug he’s recommending will add quality days to your life… Better still, insist on having a conversation about complimentary therapies, because natural approaches do exist and they can make a real difference to the lives of those suffering with cancer.

Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


FDA approves cancer drugs without proof they’re extending lives, jsonline.com

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  • Yes natural treatments do help in the cure for cancer. How about an article about these natural treatments.

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