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Boost Your Body With This Turmeric Smoothie


Turmeric seems to be all the rage lately and with very good reason. A relative of the ginger plant, turmeric has been used for a number of medical disorders for centuries, including digestive disorders, liver problems, skin diseases and even depression.

This humble bright yellow spice has also been proven effective in stimulating improvement in bile flow, making it very beneficial for people suffering from both digestive and gall bladder problems.

How to take it

It is only in recent years that researchers began to recognize the medicinal properties of turmeric. According to a 2005 article in the Wall Street Journal titled “Common Indian Spice Stirs Hope” research into curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, is exploding. Two hundred and fifty-six curcumin papers were published in 2012 alone, according to a search of the US National Library of Medicine.

Based on these studies curcumin can potentially benefit you by:

  • Promoting your immune system against stress
  • Helping maintain a healthy digestive system
  • Supporting healthy bones, joints, and overall skeletal system
  • Helping maintain cholesterol levels that are already within the normal range
  • Promoting healthy blood and liver functions

Having written extensively in the past year about the benefits of turmeric, many readers have asked us what is the best way to incorporate turmeric into their diets.

Adding this spice (as a powder) to meat dishes for a mild curry flavour is an obvious choice but you can also use it in smoothies. We recently found a delicious recipe for a turmeric smoothie that is packed with antioxidants and a perfect way to start your day.

For this smoothie recipe you’ll need the following ingredients:

250ml of coconut milk or kefir (or full-fat yoghurt)

  • 125ml fresh (or frozen) pineapple or mango chunks
  • 1 fresh banana
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon ginger (fresh or as a powder)
  • 1 teaspoon chia seeds

Add all ingredients into a blender and process until smooth.

Try to drink this smoothie in the morning. It’s the perfect way to start your day and to give your body a powerful antioxidant boost.

Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


Turmeric Formula published online, organicindiausa.com

Turmeric published online, organicindia.com

Are You Ready to Add More Spice to Your Life and Your Health? by Dr. Mercola, published online 30.07.09, organicindia.mercola.com

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