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Avemar May Help Reduce Cancer Reoccurrence


Cancer treatment has come a long way since the use of mustard gas derivatives in the early 1900s or has it? When doctors discovered during World War I that mustard gas destroyed bone marrow, they began to experiment with it as a way to kill cancer cells. Although they had little success with the mustard gas, it did pave the way for modern chemotherapy which involves the most toxic and poisonous substances anyone deliberately puts in his body. These treatments kill much more than cancer cells they have a devastating effect even on healthy ones.

Sometimes it seems as if only a miracle could provide a cure thats both safe and effective. And a miracle is just what Dr. Mate Hidvegi believed he found when he patented Avemar. Studies have shown that Avemar, a fermented wheatgerm extract, helps reduce cancer reoccurrence, possibly speed up cancer cell death and helps the immune system identify cancer cells for attack.

A miracle in the making

Back in World War I, Dr. Albert Szent-Gyrgyi (a Nobel Prize recipient in 1937 for his discovery of vitamin C) had seen the effects of mustard gas personally and was determined to find a safer alternative for cancer treatment. His goal was to prevent the rapid reproduction that is characteristic of cancer cells. He theorised that supplemental quantities of naturally occurring compounds in wheatgerm called DMBQ would help to chaperone cellular metabolism, allowing healthy cells to follow a normal course but prohibiting potentially cancerous ones from growing and spreading. His early experiments, published in the 1960s, confirmed his theory.

But then the science community shifted its focus to killing cancer outright. It wasnt until the fall of communism in Hungary in 1989 when scientists were allowed for the first time to pursue independent, personal interests that Dr. Hidvegi picked up where Szent-Gyrgyi left off.

He was able to patent a technique of fermenting wheat germ with bakers yeast. He named this fermented product Avemar and it became the standard compound for research and later commercialisation because it assured a longer shelf life while maintaining its live food status.

Reduce cancer reoccurrence

Since 1996, over 100 studies done on Avemar have impressed oncologists and cancer researchers. Studies have shown that when Avemar is used as an adjunct treatment, it enhances the effects of the standard treatment agents. Its particularly effective in reducing the chances of cancer reoccurrence.

In a controlled study, 170 subjects with primary colorectal cancer either had surgery and standard care with chemotherapy or the same plus 9g of Avemar taken once a day. Only 3 per cent of the people in the Avemar group experienced a reoccurrence, vs. more than 17 per cent of those in the chemo-only group. The Avemar group also showed a 67 per cent reduction in metastasis and a 62 per cent reduction in deaths.1

In a randomized study, 46 stage III melanoma patients with a high risk of reoccurrence either had surgery and standard care with chemotherapy or surgery plus standard care and 9g of Avemar taken once a day. Those taking Avemar showed approximately a 50 per cent reduction in risk of progression.2

Avemar also reduced the frequency and severity of many common side-effects, including nausea, fatigue, weight loss and immune suppression.

Avemar speeds cancer cell death

The second way Avemar works against cancer is to help keep cancer cells from repairing themselves. Cancer cells reproduce quickly and chaotically, producing many breaks and other mistakes in the cellular structure. Because of this, cancer cells need a lot of the enzyme known as PARP (poly-ADP-ribose) to help repair breaks in DNA before the cells divide. It is thought that without adequate PARP, cancer cells cannot complete DNA replication. When theres no PARP to repair the damage, an enzyme called Caspase-3 initiates programmed cell death.

Avemar has been shown to potentially speed up the death of cancer cells by helping inhibit the production of PARP and enhancing the production of Caspase-3.3

US researchers at UCLA also showed that Avemar may reduce the production of RNA (ribonucleic acid) and DNA associated with the rapid reproduction of cancer cells. It also helps restore normal pathways of cell metabolism and may increase the production of RNA and DNA associated with healthy cells.4

Undercover cancer cells exposed

Avemar may also act as a biological bounty hunter for hidden cancer cells. Healthy cells have a surface molecule called MHC-1 that tells natural killer (NK) cells not to attack. Virally infected cells dont display this molecule, which makes them targets.

However, cancer cells have also been shown to display the surface molecule MHC-1, which means that cancer cells may actually be able to hide from NK cells. Avemar is thought to help the immune system identify cancer cells for attack by suppressing their ability to generate this MHC-1 mask, which allows the NK cells to recognize it as a target for attack.5

What to take for best results

The Avemar product is an instant drink mix called Av, which combines Avemar with natural orange flavouring and fructose in pre-measured packets. As a dietary supplement, the recommended usage is one packet per day mixed with 8oz of cold water.

You should consume it within 30 minutes of mixing a batch. Also note that its a good idea to take Av one hour before or after a meal and two hours before or after any drugs or other dietary supplements. If you weigh over 200 pounds (14 stone), use two packets per day. If you weigh less than 100 pounds (7 stone), only use half of a packet per day.

Although some people reported uneasiness in their stomachs during the first few days of using Avemar, the effect only lasted a few days. No vomiting, diarrhoea, or any other symptoms were reported.

Contraindications: Since this is a wheat product, there is the potential for allergic response. Avemar should not be consumed by people who have had an organ or tissue transplant, those who have malabsorption syndrome, or those with allergies to foods containing gluten, such as wheat, rye, oats and barley. Its also not recommended for people with fructose intolerance or hypersensitivity to gluten, wheatgerm, or any of the components or ingredients of this product.

If you suffer from bleeding ulcers, you should stop using Avemar two days before undergoing a barium X-ray contrast examination and resume taking it two days after the completion of the examination. This precaution is necessary because wheatgerm contains lectin, which can potentially cause red blood cells to clump. If you are currently taking medications or have any adverse health conditions, you should consult with your pharmacist or physician before taking Avemar.

Disclaimer: Bear in mind the material contained in this article is provided for information purposes only. We are not addressing anyone’s personal situation. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.


1. British Journal of Cancer 2003; 89(3): 465-9
2. International Journalof Cancer 2002; 100(S13): 408
3. ‘A medical nutriment study has supportive effect in oral cancer’ (unpublished, Marta Ujpal et al)
4. Pancreas 2001; 23: 141-7; Drug Discovery Today 2002; 7(6): 18-26
5. Journal of Bilogical Chesmistry 2002; 277: 46,408-14; International Journal of Oncology 2002; 20: 563-70

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  • To Wen Daniels: As per my understanding, your advance breast cancer is Her2 positive, am I right? I’m having that too and start to take Avemar. Could you please give me more details on your diagnosis and treatment? I am thrilled to get to know that Avemar can really helps.

  • I am a long term survivor – 9 years – of advanced breast cancer and have been taking Avemar for many years now. I remain healthy and vigorous. Above all, I am not just surviving – but thriving.
    I purchase Avemar form The Harmony Company in the U.S.

  • Kindly educate the General public and introduce or enhance availability of this Life-saving supplement to the third world countries like Kenya.
    I am a Herbal Practitioner and Director of a clinic with a countrywide network. We would be Glad to be sole distributors in East Africa.


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