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Mind & Memory

Your mind and memory are two of your greatest assets and yet many people neglect taking care of them before it’s too late. There are many warnings flagging up potential problems with your mind and memory, like inexplicable sudden forgetfulness and other often missed neurological problems. While forgetfulness may be the first signs of ageing, you don’t have to resort to the fact declining brain function “happens to all of us”  as we grow older.

The normal signs of ageing set aside, protecting your mind and memory also involves being aware of other risk factors like how to spot neurological problems and how sleeping problems can affect how your brain and nervous system functions. The Daily Health offers the latest breakthrough research on how to keep your mind sharp and healthy well into your old age by avoiding certain drugs and using brain-protecting alternatives remedies.

Latest Articles in Mind & Memory

parkinson's disease

Slow Down Parkinson?s Disease Naturally?

Parkinson's disease is a condition that robs millions of people of their muscle control, balance, and even the ability to speak. One of the ways to combat the fast progression of t...

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dementia, alzheimers

Could Vitamin E Slow The Progression Of Alzheimer?s Disease?

Back in 2008, we told you about a study, conducted by researchers at Johns Hopkins Alzheimer's Disease Research Centre, which showed that vitamin E may have a positive effect on th...

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sleeping pills, pills

Is This Sleeping Pill Putting You At Risk Of A Heart Attack?

Recently, Chinese researchers looked at 5,000 heart attack patients and they found that taking just a couple of months' worth of Zolpidem (Ambien) ? the prescription sleep aid ? ma...

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binge eating, mental health

Binge-Eating Disorder? Drug Could Have Fatal Consequences

Previously, we told you about the newest mental health disorder, Binge-Eating Disorder, that was officially listed in the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of...

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Alzheimer's disease, dementia

Walking Slowly Could Be An Early Sign Of Dementia Risk…

Based on the results of a recent Alzheimer's study, published in the online journal Neurology, researchers believe they will soon be able to use walking speed, alongside memory tes...

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sleep paralysis, nightmare, shadow

What Really Happens When You Have Sleep Paralysis?

Do you suffer from a strange sleep phenomenon, called sleep paralysis? You wake up in the middle of the night. You can't move, except for your eyes, which dart frantically underne...

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