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Diet & Nutrition

Diet and nutrition form part of the foundation of lasting optimum health. Yet, there is a lot of confusing information about what a healthy diet consists of. For instance, we’ve been told to avoid saturated fat and yet more and more research is beginning to show that saturated fat is an essential component of a healthy and balanced diet.

The Daily Health will help you make sense of  these confusing dietary guidelines and show you how optimal nutrition can support and protect your health. For example, the latest research is showing that probiotics can help combat autism. Studies have also shown that eating red meat can help protect your brain against Alzheimer’s disease and dementia – these findings contradict current guidelines saying that we should eat less red meat.

Latest Articles in Diet & Nutrition

super foods, blueberries, antioxidants

The Top 10 Super Foods That Could Turn Your Health Around

Before I start with today's health news about the top 10 super foods that can help boost your health, I want to thank all of our readers who took part in our "Brexit and the NHS" s...

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chocolate, dark chocolate

Low-Fat Chocolate… Yet Another Diet Fad Set To Mislead You

Walk down any supermarket aisle and you'll be bombarded with a variety of low-fat foods... from yoghurt and cheese to ready meals and crisps. In fact, trying to find a product that...

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potassium, weight gain

How Potassium Can Help You Shift Those Extra Pounds

If you are anything like me then the simple mention of the word "diet" sends a cold shiver down your spine. Thoughts of bland meals that barely fill you up may spring to mind... d...

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Brexit, obesity, NHS, Health Reforms

Will Brexit See The Planned Childhood Obesity Strategy Binned?

With the UK government in complete meltdown (to say the least), as politicians are trying to get to grips with the referendum result, it's impossible to get any sense of what the l...

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obesity, diabetes, weight loss

Could Antibiotics Be Part Of The Global Obesity Problem?

A recent study, published in the International Journal of Obesity, found a possible link between the over-prescription of antibiotics and the rising numbers of children struggling...

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omega-3, stroke

Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Help In Stroke Prevention

Most people bounce back from a mild transient ischaemic attack ("mini-stroke"). Nonetheless, when you do experience a mild transient ischaemic attack, I assure you it will feel any...

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10 Steps To Healthy Cholesterol Levels

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