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Herbs have been used for their medicinal and therapeutic properties for centuries. In fact, herbal medicine is one of the foundations of modern medicine. However, today herbal medicine is considered part of alternative medicine and despite their powerful potential to treat disease and enhance general health and wellbeing, the mainstream often debunks the benefits of herbalism.

Fortunately, there are some mainstreamer’s that are cottoning onto the benefits of herbal medicine. According to Dr. Roberta Lee, medical director of the Continuum Centre for Health and Healing at Beth Israel Medical Centre in New York City, herbs and other natural remedies can be as effective as traditional treatments, often without the same negative side effects. Explore the Daily Health’s archive to discover all the wonderful healing benefits of herbalism.

Latest Articles in Herbs


Herbal Formulas for Stress: Power Adapt and Botanabol

During the Cold War, in the USSRs quest to dominate the world, its government had scientists secretly researching natural herbal formulas that would give them the edge in anything...

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gum tree, gugulipids

Gugulipids: The gum tree that is making waves

Gugulipids is a small, thorny tree that grows throughout India seems an unlikely contender as a remedy in the fight against heart disease. Yet, the mukul tree (Commiphora mukul) i...

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eclipta alba, heart health

Eclipta alba treats everything from hair loss to high blood pressure

Eclipta Alba is a  creeping plant with small white flowers that grows throughout India is highly prized by Ayurvedic (ancient Indian medicine) practitioners for its diverse range...

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andrographis paniculata

Andrographis paniculata boosts immunity and dissolves blood clots

During a recent herbalists seminar in London, a Swedish practitioner told the audience about the wide-ranging benefits of Andrographis paniculata, an annual plant that is widely us...

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back pain, lower back pain, muscle pain, chronic pain, pain relief

Natural Treatments For Back Pain To Try Before Agreeing To Surgery

It happens to most of us at some point. You bend down to lift something. It doesn't even have to be heavy. As you take the strain, suddenly you feel as though you have been stabbed...

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back pain, lower back pain, muscle pain, chronic pain, pain relief

How A Low Starch Diet Could Ease Ankylosing Spondylitis Symptoms

Like so many scientific discoveries, ankylosing spondylitis came about quite by accident. Dr Alan Ebringer, a rheumatologist based here in the UK, put one of his patients on a high...

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