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Herbs have been used for their medicinal and therapeutic properties for centuries. In fact, herbal medicine is one of the foundations of modern medicine. However, today herbal medicine is considered part of alternative medicine and despite their powerful potential to treat disease and enhance general health and wellbeing, the mainstream often debunks the benefits of herbalism.

Fortunately, there are some mainstreamer’s that are cottoning onto the benefits of herbal medicine. According to Dr. Roberta Lee, medical director of the Continuum Centre for Health and Healing at Beth Israel Medical Centre in New York City, herbs and other natural remedies can be as effective as traditional treatments, often without the same negative side effects. Explore the Daily Health’s archive to discover all the wonderful healing benefits of herbalism.

Latest Articles in Herbs

libido, sexual health, viapro

Libido: How Women Can Boost Their Libido With Clavo Huasca And Other Herbal Aphrodisiacs

Why do men get all the help and have all the fun? Sometimes that question is put delicately, and sometimes not so delicately. But hardly a week goes by that I don't receive an e...

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Grindelia camporum, herbs

Grindelia Camporum Provides Relief For Chest Infections

Grindelia camporum, also known as great valley gumweed or giant gum, is a perennial plant that thrives in the dry climates of Mexico, California and South America, where it can com...

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Discovering The Powerful Healing properties Of South African Geranium

For hundreds of years, the Zulu and other indigenous South African people have used a wild plant remedy called 'umckaloabo' - for coughs, colds, upper respiratory tract irritation...

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libido, fluoride, male fertility

Horny Goat Weed – Helps Improve Everything From Libido To Arthritis

Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium) has a long history of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine for its ability to improve libido, increase energy levels, overcome stress and fatigue, and sh...

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sea buckthorn

Sea Buckthorn: The Plant With A Diverse Range Of Benefits

Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) is a small shrub that grows in the mountainous regions of China and Russia is credited with possessing numerous health-giving properties. For...

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colds and flu natural remedies

8 Tips To Keep Colds And Flu At Bay

The average person catches between 2 to 4 colds a year and will come down with flu at least once a year. With no cure in sight for colds or flu, current treatments can relieve symp...

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