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Mind & Memory

Your mind and memory are two of your greatest assets and yet many people neglect taking care of them before it’s too late. There are many warnings flagging up potential problems with your mind and memory, like inexplicable sudden forgetfulness and other often missed neurological problems. While forgetfulness may be the first signs of ageing, you don’t have to resort to the fact declining brain function “happens to all of us”  as we grow older.

The normal signs of ageing set aside, protecting your mind and memory also involves being aware of other risk factors like how to spot neurological problems and how sleeping problems can affect how your brain and nervous system functions. The Daily Health offers the latest breakthrough research on how to keep your mind sharp and healthy well into your old age by avoiding certain drugs and using brain-protecting alternatives remedies.

Latest Articles in Mind & Memory

depression, mental health, mood

Is SAMe a New Depression Breakthrough?

Like one in 20 people living in the UK, James, a 50 year old scientist from Edinburgh was diagnosed as suffering from mild depression a few years ago. This meant that he regularly...

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pneumonia, natural remedies,

Bells Palsy Treatment: The Natural Way To Improve Symptoms

If you have ever had an anaesthetic at the dentist then you have some idea of what it might be like to suffer from Bell's Palsy - a form of paralysis that affects the facial nerve....

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Everyday Painkillers May Cause Alzheimer’s

Here's something you probably never thought about whenever you've taken a paracetamol (acetaminophen) to ease off a headache or to bring down a slight fever... After all, it's one...

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cancer, antioxidants, alzheimer's disease

Antioxidants Improve Brain Function In Alzheimer’s Sufferers

Recent research shows that about 23 percent of us over age 65 have some level of cognitive impairment, and the risk increases 10 percent every ten years after that. And we still do...

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panic attacks, Bacopa Monieri

Bacopa Monieri Can Reduce Anxiety And Improve Your Memory

In the wet marshlands of India grows a perennial succulent creeping herb with small green leaves. Its scientific name is Bacopa monnieri, although it is more commonly known in the...

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Vaccinations: Can Vaccinations Be Linked To Autism?

'One of the greatest scandals in medical history.' That's an assessment of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine programme for children in the UK. And that quote doesn't...

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