Environmental Health

Environmental health is the branch of public health that is concerned with all aspects of the natural and built environment that may not only affect human health but also the health of our planet.

Here at The Daily Health we explore the detrimental effects of rising levels of pollution, the negative consequences of the pesticides and herbicides used on the food that ends up on your dinner plate as well the impact of electric and electronic devices on your health, to mention but a few.

Environmental health affects all of us – the entire planet… the plastic bottles in which we buy our water, the genetic modification of our crops and the fluoride in our toothpaste and drinking water.  It’s all about how our behaviour and technology impacts our environment and as a result, how this has a knock on effect on our wellbeing and the health of our planet.

In short, Environmental Health is the field of science that studies how the environment influences human health and the development and occurrence of disease.

For instance, we’ll tell you about the numerous hazardous chemicals found in conventional paint – used in households across the country, known as ‘volatile organic compounds’ or VOCs – which have been linked an array of cancers such as liver and stomach cancer.

Well highlight the dangers of neurotoxic poisons used in pesticides is not only affecting your health, but it is also destroying the bee population, which spells disaster for all of us.

You’ll also learn more about the damaging chemical found in plastic bottles and other food containers that can have affect fertility and even cause cancer… plus much, much more.

The Daily Health offers information that will help you understand what we are all up against and how you can stop this vicious cycle from affecting our planet… and your health.

Latest Articles in Environmental Health


Air Pollution Could Be A Greater Health-Risk Than Ebola And HIV

In the past two months, environmental pollution has been in the news more than a fair few times. First, the largest epidemiological study ever conducted in the developing world fou...

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Air Pollution

How Indoor Air Pollution Can Affect Your Health

Recently, I told you about a study that found a strong link between the highest levels of fine particulate air pollution, known as PM2.5, and death rates from heart and respiratory...

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Heart Disease

Could Air Pollution Be The Real Culprit Behind Heart Disease?

Cholesterol... it's a word that can send shivers down your spine... because as you are very well aware by now, it is supposedly the number one villain behind heart disease. At lea...

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Monsanto Forced To Label Roundup With Cancer Warning

You know its name. You know the health risks linked to it. I'm talking about Roundup — one of the UK's most popular weed killers used by gardeners and farmers. In fact, the use o...

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Roundup Linked To Fatty Liver Disease

It's been linked to an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease, hormonal disruption, antibiotic resistance and cancer. I'm talking about Britain's most popular pesticide, Roundup —...

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MRSA Strain Found In Pork On UK Supermarket Shelves

Recently, a livestock strain of the superbug MRSA, called LA-MRSA, was found in pork sold at two of the UK's leading supermarkets, Sainsbury's and ASDA. Ninety-seven samples of me...

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air pollution

Could Air Pollution Be Blamed For the Obesity Crisis?

We all know that being constantly exposed to pollution can have detrimental effects on your health. Air pollution has previously been linked to heart and lung disease, in part beca...

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monsanto, pesticides, Alzheimer's disease

Monsanto Taken To Court Over Cancer Claims

Our regular readers will know that if there is one thing we all should steer clear of then it is Monsanto's herbicide Roundup. Roundup's main ingredient glyphosate has been linked...

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high blood pressure, internet, children

Electromagnetic Field Pollution: Is Your Home A Cancer Trap?

Only in recent, years have governments around the world finally accepted that global warming is a real threat to humankind. However, it may take a few decades more before industrie...

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toxins, detox

Are You Suffering With A Toxin Overload?

Let's face it, sometimes modern life gets the better of us. Before you know it, you suffer with headaches, stomach aches and feeling bloated, you can't fall asleep at night and you...

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