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Environmental Health

Environmental health is the branch of public health that is concerned with all aspects of the natural and built environment that may not only affect human health but also the health of our planet.

Here at The Daily Health we explore the detrimental effects of rising levels of pollution, the negative consequences of the pesticides and herbicides used on the food that ends up on your dinner plate as well the impact of electric and electronic devices on your health, to mention but a few.

Environmental health affects all of us – the entire planet… the plastic bottles in which we buy our water, the genetic modification of our crops and the fluoride in our toothpaste and drinking water.  It’s all about how our behaviour and technology impacts our environment and as a result, how this has a knock on effect on our wellbeing and the health of our planet.

In short, Environmental Health is the field of science that studies how the environment influences human health and the development and occurrence of disease.

For instance, we’ll tell you about the numerous hazardous chemicals found in conventional paint – used in households across the country, known as ‘volatile organic compounds’ or VOCs – which have been linked an array of cancers such as liver and stomach cancer.

Well highlight the dangers of neurotoxic poisons used in pesticides is not only affecting your health, but it is also destroying the bee population, which spells disaster for all of us.

You’ll also learn more about the damaging chemical found in plastic bottles and other food containers that can have affect fertility and even cause cancer… plus much, much more.

The Daily Health offers information that will help you understand what we are all up against and how you can stop this vicious cycle from affecting our planet… and your health.

Latest Articles in Environmental Health

fluoridation, adhd

Dentists Are Speaking Out Against Fluoridation

Few topics cause as much division as water fluoridation…
It’s like marmite, you’re either for it or against it.
Whichever it is, you can’t ignore fluoride because it has
literally poisoned our tap water in numerous areas… I’m
sure you can tell which camp I fall into when it comes to
this contentious subject!

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bottled water

Bottled Water: The ‘Healthy Choice’ That Can Cause Cancer…

The makers of the film ‘Tapped’ expose the global bottled water industry as one of the biggest health cons of our time.When you factor in the harmful chemicals in plastic bottles, the environmental impact of plastic waste and the pollution caused by plastic manufacturing plants, bottled water becomes a losing proposition no matter how you look at it.

When you factor in the harmful chemicals in plastic bottles, like BPA and dioxin, as well as the environmental impact of plastic waste and the pollution caused by plastic manufacturing plants, bottled water becomes a losing proposition no matter how you look at it.

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lead, toxins, fatigue

Could Lead Be Behind Your Memory Problems And Fatigue?

It has been restricted in so many household products for so many years that many of us may have forgotten about negative health effects of lead exposure. Lead is especially damaging to children under the age of six, whose bodies are still developing and it has been shown to cause nervous system damage, stunted growth, kidney damage, and delayed development. This is exactly why the UK banned lead-based paints in 1992.

Much as these measures are now protecting our children, what about those of us that were exposed to lead prior to this date… Those who are, let’s say, in their 60s or older… Can their health still be affected by lead exposure?

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baby shampoo

Shocking! The Carcinogenic Found In Baby Shampoo

Let’s say you run a company that makes shampoo. But not just any shampoo, it’s specifically for new-borns and infants.

But now you need to find a way to prevent spoilage. (Shampoo spoils? Who knew?)

Fortunately, there’s a chemical called quaternium-15 that takes care of spoilage. But it has just one little problem: It kills bacteria by releasing formaldehyde.

And formaldehyde is carcinogenic.

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Bisphenol A

Bisphenol A: How to Limit Your Exposure to Dangerous Toxins

Bisphenol A or BPA (a synthetic oestrogen) is a chemical used to harden plastics and it is one of the world ??s most widely manufactured chemicals, with more than 2.2 million tons made each year.

If you live in Europe or the US, it is highly probable that you have BPA in your system since 90 per cent of Europeans and Americans have detectable amounts.

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teflon cookware

Is Your Teflon Cookware Causing Flu Symptoms?

DuPont’s vice president of research and development, Uma Chowdhry, when asked about the Teflon flu, admitted that when heated it does release fumes which can cause a ‘flu-like symptom, which is reversible.’

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