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Mental Health

Mental health is one of the least talked about and most neglected areas of health. And yet, most people will suffer with at least one mental health problem throughout their lives. The UK’s National Health Service (NHS) recently promised to transform mental health services by 2020. How will they do this? By offering extensive supportive services that are easily accessible? Or will doctors get further free reign to prescribe dangerous and ineffective antidepressant drugs to patients who may not need them?

There are no quick and fast answers when it comes to solving these problems. Breaking down social stigma is certainly a good starting point. Here at the Daily Health we hope to shed some light on how these problems can be tackled – for one, we believe the over-prescription of antidepressant drugs may be part of the problem, coupled with the overdiagnosis of what are considered to be childhood behavioural problems, like ADHD.

Latest Articles in Mental Health

probiotics, gut health

Could Probiotics Reverse Autism?

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is diagnosed when individuals exhibit characteristic behaviours that include repetitive actions, decreased social interactions, and impaired communication. Curiously, many people who suffer with autism also suffer from gastrointestinal (GI) problems, like abdominal cramps and constipation. The mainstream is still slow to catch onto the fact that overall health and well-being starts […]

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depression, mental health, mood

The Truth About Antidepressant Drugs

Contrarian. Inflammatory. Scaremongering. These are just three of the many words used by the mainstream, Big Pharma and all their cronies to dismiss and discredit anyone who questions the use, safety and effectiveness of the drugs they push onto millions of people — even when it is a medical expert speaking out proves how the […]

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Link Between Antidepressant Drugs And Suicide Kept Under Wraps

During the past few months mental health issues have enjoyed some of the media spotlight. And that’s a good thing, because if there is one thing the “black sheep” of medicine really needs then it is open and honest dialogue about something many of us will experience at some point in our lives. However, what […]

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Mental Illness Or Food Allergies?

Stuffy nose, itchy eyes, sneezing, congested sinuses and hives – these are the things allergies are made of, right? However, what if food allergies or intolerances had the potential to create emotional and behavioural symptoms like panic attacks, compulsive behaviour, depression, psychotic episodes, irritability, inability to concentrate, or feelings of being in a mental fog? […]

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Mental Health: Are You Okay?

Mental Health – it’s a topic people don’t talk about… and we’re all paying the price for it… mainly because of a deep-rooted stigma in our society in which we are told that unless we are anything but perfect there is something “wrong” with us. And yet, once we put ourselves under the looking glass, […]

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ritalin, ADHD, mental health

Fears Over Long-Term Side Effects Of Ritalin As Prescriptions Rise

Shortly before he died, the late Dr. Leon Eisenberg – the ‘father’ of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), said: “ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease.” Sadly, this fictitious disease has singlehandedly created one of the most over-prescribed drugs of all time, Ritalin. Crazy business Those suffering with ADHD, which apparently affects up […]

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