Mental Health

Mental health is one of the least talked about and most neglected areas of health, particularly among the male population. And yet, most people will suffer with at least one mental health problem throughout their lives.

Mental health problems can range from the normal everyday worries that we all experience from time-to-time, to more serious long-term conditions. If the condition progresses into something more persistent that would require a form of therapy such as counselling or cognitive behavioural therapy, it can be subdivided into one of two categories: neurotic or psychotic.

Neurotic problems are those classified as severe forms of ‘normal’ emotional experiences such as anxiety, depression or panic. These are referred to as common mental health conditions. More serious and less common are psychotic symptoms which can interfere with your perception of real-life, for example by suffering hallucinations. Mental health problems such as these are NOT personal weaknesses, but something which can be diagnosed by a doctor and helped with treatment.

The National Health Service (NHS) recently promised to transform mental health services by 2020. However there are effective and ineffective ways of doing this. Offering extensive support services that are easily accessible would be hugely beneficial. Giving doctors greater ability to prescribe often dangerous and ineffective antidepressant drugs to patients who may not need them is not an effective way. Sadly there is no quick fix for mental health, however don’t think of it as something that cannot be fixed – it most certainly can. Breaking down social stigma is certainly a good starting point.

Here at the Daily Health we hope to shed some light on how these problems can be tackled – for one, we believe the over-prescription of antidepressant drugs may be part of the problem, coupled with the over diagnosis of what are considered to be childhood behavioural problems, like ADHD. Mental health problems are something we all suffer from every now and again, so spend time going through our extensive archive and learn about effective ways to help you overcome the condition.

Latest Articles in Mental Health


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Could Antidepressants Double The Risk Of Suicide?

Earlier this year, I told you about Dr. Irving Kirsch the Associate Director of the Program in Placebo Studies and a Lecturer in Medicine at Harvard Medical School. When he — alo...

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The Link Between Gut Health and Depression

Let's face it, if you suffer with depression... or even just a slight case of the blues… or anxiety… or even trouble concentrating, there's a very good chance that you'll end u...

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Mental Health: What is Oppositional Defiant Disorder?

In a previous article, we told you about the newest mental health disorder, binge eating disorder, which was officially listed in the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistic...

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Binge-Eating Disorder Drug Have Fatal Consequences

Previously, we told you about the newest mental health disorder, Binge-Eating Disorder, that was officially listed in the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of...

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Could Probiotics Reverse Autism?

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is diagnosed when individuals exhibit characteristic behaviours that include repetitive actions, decreased social interactions, and impaired communic...

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The Truth About Antidepressant Drugs

Contrarian. Inflammatory. Scaremongering. These are just three of the many words used by the mainstream, Big Pharma and all their cronies to dismiss and discredit anyone who questi...

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The Link Between Antidepressant Drugs And Suicide

During the past few months mental health issues have enjoyed some of the media spotlight. And that's a good thing, because if there is one thing the "black sheep" of medicine reall...

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Mental Illness Or Food Allergies?

Stuffy nose, itchy eyes, sneezing, congested sinuses and hives ? these are the things allergies are made of, right? However, what if food allergies or intolerances had the potenti...

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Mental Health: Are You Okay?

Mental Health ? it's a topic people don't talk about? and we're all paying the price for it... mainly because of a deep-rooted stigma in our society in which we are told that unles...

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